Battery life since switching to Liberty 1.5


New Member
Mar 20, 2011
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My battery life is absolutely terrible since I changed to Liberty 1.5. Does anyone have any answers or suggestions... plz help!!!

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Describe terrible? How was it before? Same usage now as before? Did you wipe the battery stats and then recharge the battery to full after flashing Liberty?

Also, check out the Battery Patch Test thread up in the stickies...may be of some use to you...
It drops from full charge to 90% within 10 minutes of removing from charger. I am overclocked... 1250 max and 400 min... screen on and user. It seems I had better battery life with Apex. The phone also seems to be running hotter than it used too.

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i loved liberty bu i did notice it does runa little hot for me as well but my battery life was amazing. charge your phone to 100% the go into clock work and wipe the battery stats and let it run completely down till it shuts off. use the phone like you normally would sounds like you just need to retrain your battery.
when charging the battery will start to discharge once it gets to 100% in order to prevent overflow and loss of capacity and to save power. 90% doesn't necessarily mean 90% either, its probably 94%. it rounds down.

tapped on my LibX 1.5
It drops from full charge to 90% within 10 minutes of removing from charger. I am overclocked... 1250 max and 400 min... screen on and user. It seems I had better battery life with Apex. The phone also seems to be running hotter than it used too.

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Well, you do know the overclock you have is gonna suck battery depending on what your exact presets are...and that in turn is probably the explanation of the heat increase.

Apex may be the better ROM selection for your particular phone...afterall, they are definitely not all the same. My DX seems to love Liberty...and I get excellent battery life without any over/under clock...
I'm using Dx Overclock... default LV 1.25 settings with userspace governor and screen on profile. I've tried the battery reset but maybe I did it wrong, letting the phone completely discharge now. I don't understand how each phone can act differently... aren't they all the same hardware?

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Unfortunately it looks like Liberty is not my rom... did the batt stat reset last night. Fully charged this morning... removed from charger around 6:15 am, it's now 10:30 am and my phone is showing 60%. I haven't been even using it this morning, so actually less than usual usage. I love the look and overall feel of Liberty 1.5 but apparently my phone doesn't like it... back to Apex I go. Unless someone has any other suggestions

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Mine too. I have tried everything. I am hoping the next release, if there is one, will address.

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Yeah... I think I have tried everything too. Maybe some phones like Liberty and some don't... it still doesn't make any sense to me.

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