Unfortunately it looks like I am going to be giving up on this app. I have tried reinstalling/recalibrating at least 4 times to prevent it from showing a negative percent or sitting empty at zero with actual battery left. I usually charge my battery every other night once its almost dead. At first the app gives a good estimate, but after a week or two of use its always very low compared to the system and runs out before the battery actually does. I understand the estimate isn't perfect (nor were my calibrations) but I guess my phone/battery use is too inconsistent to predict. I still give credit to the developer, and I guess its better the app gives me an under estimate rather than an over estimate.
Here's what don't get: why people give up when the app has so many customizations. It can be easily configured to reprt all the system percentages, so it can easily be just another battery widget too. To each his own I guess. Sorry it isn't working for you. I haven't had that problem. I have seen it run out of juice and sit at zero, but it updates eventually.
I have desire for a system battery widget; I am content with the one in the top bar. I got this because I like the idea of knowing the real time left on my battery rather than just the power left according to what the system reads. However, if its not accurate (as either an over or under estimate) then its not really helpful to have anymore.