Battery Drain


New Member
Jun 26, 2010
Reaction score
New Orleans
I've been having problems with my Droid ever since I manually updated to 2.2. My battery has been dying a bit faster.. I've noticed that when I use advanced task killer's widget, it says that ive closed 11 or 13 apps when I haven't opened anything. There are other bugs but this one has really been bothering me. Can anyone help with this? Thanks in advance!


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Uninstall the task killer or


install another one and then for each of them mark the other as a task that needs to be killed! Let them fight to the death!

edit: fixed thank you aminaked
Your sound track fell out:

Uninstall the task killer or


install another one and then for each of them mark the other as a task that needs to be killed! Let them fight to the death!
I did uninstall the task killer at first.. and then my phone started to die.. then I reinstalled it to try and kill some apps and that didn't really do much.. why are app killers so bad? other than they "kill" apps lol
I did uninstall the task killer at first.. and then my phone started to die.. then I reinstalled it to try and kill some apps and that didn't really do much.. why are app killers so bad? other than they "kill" apps lol

hang around the forum for a little and you will see how many task killer topics pop up.

from google cuz im tired of retyping the same thing over and over and over again:

How to Use a Task Manager
Android was designed from the ground up as an operating system (OS) for mobile devices. Its built-in application and memory-management systems were engineered with battery life as one of the most critical concerns.
The Android OS does not work like a desktop operating system. On a desktop OS, like Windows, Mac OS X, or Ubuntu Linux, the user is responsible for closing programs in order to keep a reasonable amount of memory available. On Android, this is not the case. The OS itself automatically removes programs from memory as memory is needed. The OS may also preload applications into memory which it thinks might soon be needed.
Having lots of available empty memory is not a good thing. It takes the same amount of power to hold "nothing" in memory as it does to hold actual data. So, like every other operating system in use today, Android does its best to keep as much important/likely-to-be-used information in memory as possible.
As such, using the task manager feature of SystemPanel to constantly clear memory by killing all apps is strongly NOT RECOMMENDED. This also applies to any other task killer / management program. Generally speaking, you should only "End" applications if you see one which is not working correctly. The "End All" feature can be used if your phone/device is performing poorly and you are uncertain of the cause.
advanced task killer is your problem, get rid of it!!!!!

I've been having problems with my Droid ever since I manually updated to 2.2. My battery has been dying a bit faster.. I've noticed that when I use advanced task killer's widget, it says that ive closed 11 or 13 apps when I haven't opened anything. There are other bugs but this one has really been bothering me. Can anyone help with this? Thanks in advance!


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