Auto-rotate has decided to stop working


Mar 7, 2012
Reaction score
Droid RAZR : pre-ordered and was received and activated back when they first hit the streets (late Oct 2011?). It has gotten the OTA update to 2.3.6, kernel, build number 6.5.1_167DHD-14_M2-5, build date wed 28 Dec 2011 @ 1648 hrs. Phone is stock other than apps and a bunch of data files on the SD card. This is my first "smartphone" and was sure pricey when it first came out.

Recently, the screen auto-rotate function dies, daily. It will not rotate the screen at all; in apps, texting, browser, nothing. It is stuck in Portrait mode and will not go to landscape.

Yes, the auto-rotate setting is turned on. I've tried turning that off for a while and back on, to no avail.

A reboot will solve this problem for about 24 hours, but it's consistently doing this.

Any advice? Call Motorola and yap at them? Yap at Verizon? Yap at both of them because the battery doesn't even last one full day even with all the battery-saving methods I can try, and try to get a Maxx instead? Factory reset (which I don't really want to have to do, but will if it has solved others' problems)

any help is appreciated...

EDIT: only new app in the last month has been Words with Friends by Zynga. This app appears to only work in portrait mode. Wonder if this is the culprit...
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Exact same symptoms here, but maybe more frequently. Mine will sometimes stop auto-rotating 2-3 times in a day. Been going on for at least a couple weeks now. I also have Words w Friends installed, but have had it for months.

Very frustrating. Anyone know the fix?
.. This has to be a bug. It doesn't seem to be associated with any app either. Everyone seems to ask forums for a fix, but really I think
everyone needs to start letting the developers know. .. but yeah .. which developers??? .. is it the carrier, moto, or google that needs to hear it as many times as
you see it within tons of forums and google searchers.

.. The motion detection and/or orientation process is getting locked up .. yeah, power cycling the phone fixes it .. but we shouldn't have to turn our phones on and off
.. I did a live chat with motorola .. supposedly the tech with send the issue to developers. .. Whoever can't fix what they don't know is broken
I've had my Droid RAZR since mid-December (about 3 months), and it just started having auto-rotation problems. It also affects apps like Google Sky that need compass and accelerometer functions. Definitely something in the interface to the sensors. Yes, a power-off/reboot cycle fixes it. I'll update this post if it happens as often as @jovian1200 and @swilson143 say it's happening to them.

I agree that Motorola and Verizon both need to hear users' complaints on this. We should not have to reboot.
Another forum said to try taking the SIM card out and it got better. Mine has only done this once in about 5 days.... but I was out of town the whole time and it never happened. Weird!
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Happening on my stock unrooted RAZR too. Just noticed it a few days ago. Glad to know its not just me.
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Add me to the list. If you have one of the apps with a bubble level you'll notice it's haywire when this happens as well.
I'm having the same problem on my Razr. Auto-rotate was working fine until Verizon pushed out the 2.3.6 update. After the update it stopped working completely. Is there a fix yet?
I'm having the same problem on my Razr. Auto-rotate was working fine until Verizon pushed out the 2.3.6 update. After the update it stopped working completely. Is there a fix yet?

No fix that I'm aware of. I also noticed issue after the 2.3.6 update. Speaking of is any one other than me annoyed that 2.3.6 installed even more bloat ware? As if this phone didn't come pre installed with enough...

Sent from my DROID RAZR using DroidForums
No fix that I'm aware of. I also noticed issue after the 2.3.6 update. Speaking of is any one other than me annoyed that 2.3.6 installed even more bloat ware? As if this phone didn't come pre installed with enough...

Sent from my DROID RAZR using DroidForums

I'm facing the same issue, any update on a fix for this?
I agree, the 2.3.6 build brought more bloatware and other crap onto the phone. I finally did get sick of seeing Let's Golf 2 and NFL Madden so I deleted both of those, but I can't delete a bunch of other crap that made it's way onto the thing (MOG is one of them). Looks like I'll have to root this thing to do that.

I threw/dropped my phone a few days ago by accident, and then it started having data/connectivity issues. The phone is in an Otter Box Defender though. Anyways, sometimes it would have "No SIM card" on the display when I would wake it up from slumber. Then it started dropping out the 4G and not getting any signal at all. I ended up taking it out of the otter box and R&R'd the sim card. So far, 2 days later, it has not had the auto-rotate issues and the data connection has been fine. Maybe re-seating the SIM card did all that, I don't know.

This thing feels so fragile and thin outside of that huge case!

The auto-rotate issue hasn't really happened much recently, only once in almost 2 weeks, so ... ?? :icon_question:
Add me to the list as well. Stock Razr, won't auto rotate. Will try the sim card today.
Didnt work for me. Still wont auto rotate. Also, seems to me that my 3g isnt as good or wifi as my htc incredible was. Kind of sad that a phone 4 years older is in my opinion a better phone.
Seems to me that because Android 4 (Ice Cream Sandwich) is right around the corner for the Razr, they are probably waiting for that update. I'm sure it will have a bunch of hotfixes in it, plus a lot of new bugs :p
Tried it all

I'm starting to think that Nokia commercial that says we are all Beta testers has a hint of truth. Ice Cream Sandwich better come quick, this is frustrating!