At my wits end with VZW/Cell Phones etc (Maxx & Galaxy S3)


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Jul 12, 2011
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I don't know what to do at this point.
Months ago I jumped from my beloved X2 (before the data plans issue) I grabbed a Maxx. That one got crappy battery life.
Got a NEW Maxx and did NOT let them turn it on until it was charged and the Battery was AMAZING so was reception 3g/4g.
Then ICS.
Reception went in the crapper. Could barely make calls from my house and internet was non-existent.
Late last week the Maxx started acting like it wanted to light me on fire. A pants heater in the winter would have been welcome maybe but having to use speaker phone to keep from burning my face was unacceptable.
My Great Store Manager (great guy) said "What can I do? How about a New Galaxy S3? What do I know, So I took it.
Pretty phone. Great screen.
No, the battery is no where near the Maxx but if I can get through a day - I'm fine with that BUT.....
I can't get through the day AND worse..... this thing has not grabbed a 4G signal since I got it and barely gets 3G.
I know Maxx is the King of Batteries AND Motorola is the King of Radios BUT when these phones keep going nuts and then can not even perform basic functions!!!!
What the hell is going on? Why is this being tolerated?
Hidden inside the rant was a real question, IS there a phone that will just simply - WORK?

Not asking for perfect just basic dependable functionality. I need a battery and I need a signal.
Is that too much to ask from my phone or my cellular carrier? These devices are not inexpensive and the service is not inexpensive.

Why is the performance NOT being delivered? Could it be because the audience is captive, who has a choice NOT to have a cell phone these days - a CaveMan that's who everybody else has to have one and we don't ALL live in center city.

Really really tired of this.


Feb 9, 2010
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With ICS my Bionic is practicably flawless. No "upgrading" for me, Asurion just replaced it for me due to a broken screen and the new one oc'ed to 1.2 ghz. All good :)


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The most stable phones in my opinion at this point are still the 3G line of phones. If you liked your DX2, I would just go back to that until you find the phone that's best for you.


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Jul 12, 2011
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The most stable phones in my opinion at this point are still the 3G line of phones. If you liked your DX2, I would just go back to that until you find the phone that's best for you.

Quite possibly my only option at this point. I find it frustrating that I can not get a simple straight answer out of people these days (I do not mean here) I mean in the corporate world.
IF Verizon (or anyone) would just say " Mr. X, based on what your needs are and the problems you have experienced we believe this is the best solution and here's why" I could accept that.
But to just keep throwing phones at the wall hoping one will stick is a pretty F'd up way to deal with a problem.
Just my $.02


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CaptainSS, chances are your Maxx needed an fdr after the ICS update. That fixed most everyone's problems to give them great performance. I do not know much about the SG3 but if it has global capabilities, which I am sure it does, check the network mode to make sure it is set to LTE/CDMA mode.

Probably the best recent phones (that you are still able to get) for reception (phone and data) are the rezound and Maxx... there may be others but those are the two I hear the most positive reports on reception. Of course you know Maxx has the best battery but the rezound and others you have the option to get an extended battery.

Sent from my DROID RAZR Maxx using Droid Forums


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Jul 12, 2011
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I want to say that I am keeping this in perspective, I realize nobody is getting shot at and the world is not ending - it's a phone.
Just happens to be the most critical piece of "equipment" that effects my day-to-day life. I am a business man, home has no land line anymore and the phone runs everthing from commo to internet.
That said.
I was fine everything was great until the "Update". Did I or anyone else have an option to leave well enough alone? No.
IF I had initiated all this, I would go sit in the corner and put on a pointy hat and write I was a Bad Boy 500 times.

Did many FDR's - nothing worked. I knew something was up when I called Tech Support, got "elevated" and they offered to replace the phone or give me a different one. There are obviously known issues. I do appreciate the effort being made to try and solve _ I just wish one of them would work.


Feb 8, 2011
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my maxx tends to heat up when the wifi is on...and i've noticed that is does get turned on easier now when i drop it into my pocket for whatever reason...perhaps somethign is getting turned on. in perspective i'd take you "new" phone back and stick with the maxx..just have them replace it with another one and see if the issues track to the new phone.


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I want to say that I am keeping this in perspective, I realize nobody is getting shot at and the world is not ending - it's a phone.
Just happens to be the most critical piece of "equipment" that effects my day-to-day life. I am a business man, home has no land line anymore and the phone runs

You don't have to make that justification, this is a 600 piece of equipment that you paid for and pay for monthly it should run how you want it.

Which is a shame because my Maxx is the greatest thing I have ever owned, I kills me when others are having problems with theirs. They are releasing an update later this month, be it just the .215 leak we already have that runs great or something even better time will tell.

So not sure since you have the S3 already if they are going to let you go back to the Maxx, I would assume no. I know the S3 had a software release that others said fixed some of their problems, do you know if you are on the latest OS with that phone?


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Jul 12, 2011
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Thank you Sydman - I just felt I needed to frame the scope of my frustration. This S3 box did say "Updated" so the phone did come with whatever update they needed to do to "fix some bugs" in the words of the rep.
I am confused/frustrated right now and appreciate the help and assistance afforded by the Members of this forum.
I was hesitant when the store manager posed the solution and was possibly not thinking quite clearly at that very moment.
He is a great guy that genuinely wants to help but is possibly not as tech savvy as would be necessary in order to be really helpful.


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Haven't seen ya in a while captainSS :) sounds like you're having no fun over there... :banghead:

Hopefully you'll get something figured out.. but I'm with Sydman here... no need to justify in these situations :)


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Like Sydman said, your frustration is, without doubt, justified. Like patmw said, you could go back to your dx2 while you decide which phone will work best, sell the SG3 and use the $$ towards the phone you are confident will work.

On the other hand, for me, it would be difficult not having the phone I thought I bought. My son has the rezound with the extended battery. I just upgraded it to ICS and did 2 FDR's. His phone really has been flawless and so far so good after the ICS upgrade. Maybe try that out at the store to see what you think. My Maxx has also been flawless but there definitely have been some duds with the Maxx.

Here is a thread where people have chimed in comparing the two. Maybe it will help.

Sent from my DROID RAZR Maxx using Droid Forums


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Hi captainss. Bit I'm glad to see you back, but I'm really saddened to hear the problems you're having with your phone. :( I've got to say that the MAXX for me has also been the best phone ever and right now it's operating flawlessly. There are times when you run into little issues with software that's installed, but you simply need to explore what it is that's causing the problem and get in there and fix it. I've had a couple of days in the past several months where the phone's moto cast would continue running and syncing and I would cause battery drain and the phone would remean in a heated state, but I simply shut down motocast, cleared the cache, rebooted and the problem went away.

It's a shame that you now own the S3 only for my perspective because I believe the best amateur technicians are the ones in this thread right now. between myself and the other 4 on this thread right now I'm sure we could get you running in tip top shape and you would never have a problem again with ICS. However we're now dealing with the samsung phone which I'm not very familiar with and I believe that the others aren't as versed either.

I can tell you this, the store managers themselves can be really nice people or they can be real jerks. It appears as though the 1 that you're working with is a very nice gentleman, and hopefully if you decide you wish to go back to a RAZR MAXX, he can effect that change for you. But I do know that the verizon tech support via the *611 phone number, will in fact execute another exchange for you.

I wish the best possible outcome for no matter what. We've missed you on here and would love to have you back. :D

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2


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CaptainSS - I feel your pain! I had similar issues with the Galaxy Nexus ... had it since launch, had several issues and spent entirely too much time constantly worrying/messing with my phone to try and get it to function properly. I too use my phone for my business and after six replacements, I was growing tired of VzW sending me "Certified Like New" replacements. After some persuasion, VzW let me switch to the Maxx which, thus far, has been the solution to my issues!

Hope you find your solution soon my friend!! I know what you're going through and it is not easy! Best of luck bud!


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Jul 12, 2011
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Thanks to ALL of you. I had been absent due to the arrival of a "new addition" (NO! not that kind but just as time consuming) a Bernese Mountain Dog 8 week old puppy which should have been named "NoSleep".
I was sleep deprived when I stopped into the Verizon Store. Amazing how frustrations increase and reasoning ability decreases when one has had no sleep for a week. You'd think all the years on active duty, I would have remembered that. Getting old I guess.
I may contact the Store Manager and ask to have an off-line discussion.
I do recall when I walked in and mentioned the issues I was having his head started nodding and he said, "They're working on it" so perhaps there are some known issues. He is in fact a real Gentleman and I do not wish to stress the relationship over hardware although hardware is the catayst for contact.
Bottom line is, I have a 4G phone that chooses to operate strictly in a 3G world and does not do that well.
Internet connection is sporadic at best and most of the time is non-existent.
None of this erases the fact however that my Maxx simply stopped getting reception after the ICS update. This was a phone that was operating flawlessly in every way the day before the update. After the update, I went from signal strength of 77db to 107db.
Internet connection not available was the message I saw most, one which I never saw prior.
Boom! Phone went from Formula1 racecar to Yugo in a blink of an eye.
Hope everyone is doing well and NOT experiencing these nagging types of issues in their day-to-day. :)

I will add:
If one lives in a major metro area where 4G is thick as thieves, I can whole heartedly recommend this phone based on my experience so far.
Put it in a nice case so the plasic feel is ensconced away from your discerning eye and finger. It is a nice size, the response is crisp and snappy, I like the noises and screen magic it can perform with alacrity BUT.....
IF one was going to pick the preminent powerhouse phone currently available and is blessed with electro-luck of opposite polarity to mine - The RazrMaxx
is your phone for the near term as well as long haul. IMO


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A new puppy is the same as a new addition. With my black lab -German Shepard mix, someone told me he was a forever toddler. Boy was that the truth.

Well, if you end up going back to the razr, we will get you set up with the 215 leak. That has solved everyone's ICS problems... and I am serious when I say everyone. I can't think of any complaints on that so far.

Sent from my DROID RAZR Maxx using Droid Forums