Argh! Locked out of phone, not my fault! : )


New Member
Jan 13, 2013
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I hope that I have finally found the place for me. My HTC Incredible 4GTE phone has locked on a really weird screen. At the top, it says "***LOCKED***
and below that is a lot of text showing that it is trying to boot, including trying to find some strange images on my SD card. It was giving me options to scroll through, such as Reboot, Fastboot, Recovery, Factory Reset, and maybe one other that I can't remember. I tried to choose one (it said to press the power button to choose) but nothing happened. Nothing at all. Of course, all of this was after I had taken the battery out and put it back in at least three times.

Now, I just put the battery back in after having it out for about an hour (much longer than previous tries) and it doesn't give me the options, just states that the "Battery voltage is too low! Please change a battery..."

Then: [Power] -> Continue

SOOOOO, I have plugged my phone in, but I am not hopeful at this point. I have only had it about a month, but prior to this, last week my down portion of the volume control toggle button (does that make any sense?) stopped working; the increase or up part still works. In order to lower volume, I must go into settings, but to increase volume, I only have to do it the normal way - press the top part of the button.

Also, StumbleUpon keeps freezing up. All The Time. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling and it just freezes. One final thing: no videos will play (and most clips won't even have a placeholder) on this phone. I don't watch videos outside of articles, so they are usually embedded. Now, I do understand that Adobe has stopped supplying us "Droiders" with their Flash product (why????), but I don't understand why it's everything video that's banned from my smartphone experience.

I'm sorry to be so long-winded. It's been a long night trying to fix this freaking phone, to no avail, and I have really come to rely on it. Argh. Can anyone help me PLEASE?????
I hope that I have finally found the place for me. My HTC Incredible 4GTE phone has locked on a really weird screen. At the top, it says "***LOCKED***
and below that is a lot of text showing that it is trying to boot, including trying to find some strange images on my SD card. It was giving me options to scroll through, such as Reboot, Fastboot, Recovery, Factory Reset, and maybe one other that I can't remember. I tried to choose one (it said to press the power button to choose) but nothing happened. Nothing at all. Of course, all of this was after I had taken the battery out and put it back in at least three times.

Now, I just put the battery back in after having it out for about an hour (much longer than previous tries) and it doesn't give me the options, just states that the "Battery voltage is too low! Please change a battery..."

Then: [Power] -> Continue

SOOOOO, I have plugged my phone in, but I am not hopeful at this point. I have only had it about a month, but prior to this, last week my down portion of the volume control toggle button (does that make any sense?) stopped working; the increase or up part still works. In order to lower volume, I must go into settings, but to increase volume, I only have to do it the normal way - press the top part of the button.

Also, StumbleUpon keeps freezing up. All The Time. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling and it just freezes. One final thing: no videos will play (and most clips won't even have a placeholder) on this phone. I don't watch videos outside of articles, so they are usually embedded. Now, I do understand that Adobe has stopped supplying us "Droiders" with their Flash product (why????), but I don't understand why it's everything video that's banned from my smartphone experience.

I'm sorry to be so long-winded. It's been a long night trying to fix this freaking phone, to no avail, and I have really come to rely on it. Argh. Can anyone help me PLEASE?????

That top part sounds like you some how booted into I guess would be the equivalent of fastboot mode on my RAZR. Not sure if its called the same for an HTC its been so long since I've had my thunderbolt. As far as the battery not having enough voltage well beats me. But if you've only had this phone for a month they should be able to replace it with all the problems you're having

Sorry I'm not much help just trying to make you feel not ignored. Some one with more knowledge will eventually respond with proper help hopefully. :)

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
Thanks for making me feel not ignored : ). I just emailed with an expert online and we figured out that it's definitely corrupted firmware. He said that it explains everything, including my volume decrease button not working (now that's a mystery to me). So, I will be going out tomorrow and trading this one in. I've got to say, though, this is my second HTC (my first was the Thunderbold :biggrin:) and I've had problems with both of them. Thankfully, this will be covered under the regular one-year warranty, but I do wish that they would give me a different phone. Unfortunately, I think that they have to replace this phone with another Incredible. I'll see what I can talk them into (Verizon).