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Are Droid 1's still worth buying


New Member
Hello all, I currently have an LG Dare and I'm looking to get one of the droids next but I hate having to have the 2 yr contract extention that had me stuck with the dare for so long. Although my renewal time is coming up in november I just don't like the idea of being stuck again. So I have the opportunity to just buy a droid one from someone for $100 dollars and wanted to know with all the newer phones out now is the original still any good. Granted I'm sure it will be better than the dare. What do you all think. Thanks.
It is definitly worth getting a D1. A lot of people are keeping their D1s because we haven't seen anything else that is worth trading them for. A lot of phones are running better stock vs stock, but the droid is a very customizable phone, and that it worth a lot to some of us.
For me it would be well worth it but nothing has come out since that would make me even consider upgrading. As for as customizing the D1 is still the best, IMO
The D1 will be relevant for another year at least. There's a good dev community for it if you go the rooted route. Its a very good phone and I don't think you'd be disapointed with it.

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Yes the Droid1 is still an excellent phone. Just because others may be newer shinier and faster does not take away from an otherwise excellent phone.
Going rate on many sites is still well above $100
I went from a Dare to an Omnia to an Inc. My brother has a Droid1 and its nothing to sneeze at, a very capable phone
You WILL be in for a culture shock on the battery life though coming from your Dare to ANY smartphone
wified from my monolith using a slider keypad
Yes its definitely worth getting. You open up more options when rooting as well.

Trying out Sprint for a month. Sent from my Evo using Tapatalk. 4G is pointless when you don't live in one of the few available network areas.
$100 for a Droid 1?

If you don't buy it, I will. My girlfriend needs a new phone.

I'm very happy with my Droid 1. Playing with my son's Droid X has done nothing to convince me that I need an upgrade.
Absolutely, with the OTA updates the Droid 1 has almost the same features as the other ones give or take a few... But if u root the Droid 1, you will have alot more features and options.... But if u dont want to root, then it just depends on wat u lookin for... With u coming from a Dare, u would probably be best goin wit the Droid X or Droid Incredible, cuz they have huge screens and they complete touchscreen as your Dare was... But if u want a hardware keybord then, the Droid 1 or Droid 2 will be wat u want to get, cuz they have nice size screens,and a hardware keyboard
The physical keyboard on the d1 is a nice fallback on the short comings of the Dare but the d1 touch keypad does not have any of problems the Dare has. No lags, no freezes, no stupid qwerty to portrait bugs, etc
The camera on the d1 isn't anywhere near the quality of the Dare but nothing in the Verizon fleet is other than the enV touch
wified from my monolith using a slider keypad
Hello all, I currently have an LG Dare and I'm looking to get one of the droids next but I hate having to have the 2 yr contract extention that had me stuck with the dare for so long. Although my renewal time is coming up in november I just don't like the idea of being stuck again. So I have the opportunity to just buy a droid one from someone for $100 dollars and wanted to know with all the newer phones out now is the original still any good. Granted I'm sure it will be better than the dare. What do you all think. Thanks.

I'd buy a second one for that price.

Trying out Sprint for a month. Sent from my Evo using Tapatalk. 4G is pointless when you don't live in one of the few available network areas.
Personally I wouldn't I may have a dud but my texts are always getting deleted. No it's not because of some settings that deletes them, and even if it were on that only deletes 1 message at time when it surpasses a certain amount. Yet for some reason My phone is randomly deleting all of my messages every week. It also may mix names of threads but then have a different name in the conversation and then sending a message to both. Very confusing and VERY annoying.

Also if you use the keyboard enough it begins to warp and bubble out. At first adding definition but eventually keys start falling out. Sigh... Other than that it's great, but I would think of getting a newer one. My friends droid x looks very fast and fluid
id jump on that deal. the d1 is still relevant with lots of developers behind it.

great build quality too

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Absolutely! The Droid is still a capable device, especially with the android community still backing it with support. Beautiful screen and a decent QWERTY not to mention the highly customization that it offers after being rooted and over clocked

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