I'll open this up just by saying that I'm on Android Version 2.3.4, Kernel Version #1, rooted and running liquid.shadow.20110713.105704, Liquid Gingerbread v2.3
Last night I was outside in the dark and went to turn the "torch" flashlight on from the Power Control widget when I got the dialog "The application Torch (process.net.cactii.flash2) has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again." I opened the application from the app drawer and got to the main screen of the app, and when I tried to turn the flashlight on the same message popped up. I then force quit the application, cleared its data and tried again but the same thing happened. I also rebooted my phone but still encountered the same problem. When I try to toggle it on and off from the Power Control widget, the icon doesn't change and on my notification bar it says Torch is running. Before this started happening, every time I turned the phone on I would get a dialog saying that Droid Overclock quit unexpectedly, and I would have to delete the widget from my homescreen and put it back for the app to work. In addition to these two, LauncherPro will often crash and have to restart. Anyone know what to do about it?
Last night I was outside in the dark and went to turn the "torch" flashlight on from the Power Control widget when I got the dialog "The application Torch (process.net.cactii.flash2) has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again." I opened the application from the app drawer and got to the main screen of the app, and when I tried to turn the flashlight on the same message popped up. I then force quit the application, cleared its data and tried again but the same thing happened. I also rebooted my phone but still encountered the same problem. When I try to toggle it on and off from the Power Control widget, the icon doesn't change and on my notification bar it says Torch is running. Before this started happening, every time I turned the phone on I would get a dialog saying that Droid Overclock quit unexpectedly, and I would have to delete the widget from my homescreen and put it back for the app to work. In addition to these two, LauncherPro will often crash and have to restart. Anyone know what to do about it?