Application Backups?


New Member
Jan 11, 2010
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I want to install my first ROM now that I have rooted my TB. I have done a full backup in ROM Manager but is there a way to backup all of my installed apps so when I install the ROM I can just restore that backup and have all of my current apps on the new ROM? Sorry if this has been asked somewhere else on the forum but I didn't see anything in the TB hacking forum.
I think titaniuk backup will do that for you. Better let someone with some more knowledge answer your question tho

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I agree with cmegalodon. Titanium backup is the best way that I have been able to restore my apps since I do switch between roms quite often. Use Titanium Backup to create a backup of all your apps, and account information(so you do not have to log into some application and email accts). Install the new rom, download Titanium Backup from the app market, and use a "batch" to "restore all apps and data." Hope this helps!
For frequent rom changes Titanium Backup is a must have in my opinion.