Apple Music coming to Android in the Fall

I don't think I'll be trying this one out. I have Prime and never use it. I pay $7.99/mo for Google's offering and have been very pleased with it. If we had a third and/or fourth member of the family who could use it, I MIGHT give it a try for the family membership, but I'm just no interested. I'll find ways to get the music I want if Apple pulls exclusivity deals out of their back sides, but until then, I'm content with the services I have. I can also listen to Sirius xm for free on the app now (used to cost an extra $3.something a month in addition to my paid off lifetime subscription) as well, which is awesome now that I gave the wife the car with the satellite radio when we bought my truck.

Their were rumors of the G1 before it came out, but I'd have to say they were early with the much as I hate to admit it. Pretty sure that was the very last time though.

Eh. Even then there were already smartphones on the market. Maybe not great ones but the idea that they invented the smartphone is a huge misconception.
Eh. Even then there were already smartphones on the market. Maybe not great ones but the idea that they invented the smartphone is a huge misconception.
Oh, I agree totally. I had an old LG padphone with full color touchscreen, games, web browser. You can't argue that they helped to bring them more mainstream. Would the transition for the general public have been slower without android? Yes, I believe so. But you can't deny that apple tossed some gas on the tiny little flame. I'm by no means advocating for them, I just think we wouldn't be where we are today if it wasn't for both apple and Google's efforts.
Oh, I agree totally. I had an old LG padphone with full color touchscreen, games, web browser. You can't argue that they helped to bring them more mainstream. Would the transition for the general public have been slower without android? Yes, I believe so. But you can't deny that apple tossed some gas on the tiny little flame. I'm by no means advocating for them, I just think we wouldn't be where we are today if it wasn't for both apple and Google's efforts.

Yes the media always gives them the attention that makes it seem like they are inventing the wheel. And yes that gives a shot in the arm to whatever tech they are promoting. But it is the power of the media, not necessarily Apple. If the media gave as much attention to streaming music services that they are giving to Apple then more people would realize they have options. Fanboy mentality.

Yes, I am a self-avowed Apple hater, so my opinion may be biased, but to see Apple Sheeple flocking to these things like they are the only game in town is laughable. I actually like Apple for giving me people to laugh at.
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Not to take it too far off topic, but I couldn't believe when they announced panorama assist like it was something new. My Moto X did that back in the day.

While we sit on the fence on Apple Music I am going to post some real world reviews from notable sites to help members get a better picture if Apple Music is for them.

Any one else want to do the same feel free, but remember to post content that follows within the forum guidelines.
Ugh. I am not feeling this service at all. I can't get any decent curation like on Google Music. It simply wants me to lean towards some very underground artists for some reason. Ya'd think if their algorithm was so 'spot on' like they claim when I tap, "DO NOT RECOMMEND ARTISTS LIKE THIS" it would eventually stop. NOPE! There goes another one. Nope, I will not be renewing or trying this on Android.
Speaking from somebody who doesn't see a real difference between any streaming apps (spotify, play music, etc.) I think the only advantage Apple has with this is the Beats1 radio or whatever that is. Who knows if people who have Spotify, Pandora, or other apps will convert to Apple Music or even use it as a secondary streaming app.

What surprises me most is that Apple was so late to the game.
I don't think I'll be trying this one out. I have Prime and never use it. I pay $7.99/mo for Google's offering and have been very pleased with it. If we had a third and/or fourth member of the family who could use it, I MIGHT give it a try for the family membership, but I'm just no interested. I'll find ways to get the music I want if Apple pulls exclusivity deals out of their back sides, but until then, I'm content with the services I have. I can also listen to Sirius xm for free on the app now (used to cost an extra $3.something a month in addition to my paid off lifetime subscription) as well, which is awesome now that I gave the wife the car with the satellite radio when we bought my truck.

Their were rumors of the G1 before it came out, but I'd have to say they were early with the much as I hate to admit it. Pretty sure that was the very last time though.

No. There were smartphones on the market long before the iPuke.
Speaking from somebody who doesn't see a real difference between any streaming apps (spotify, play music, etc.) I think the only advantage Apple has with this is the Beats1 radio or whatever that is.

Trust me, Beats1 is nothing special unless you're really into that type of music. Plus, you don't even need to pay for Apple Music to get the radio if that's what you are looking for.
No. There were smartphones on the market long before the iPuke.
Not my point at all. Haha! Of course there were smartphones before the iPhone, but they were still "early" to the smartphone game by the time they came out. At this point, they're playing ridiculous catch-up and not even that well imo. Sure, sheep will flock to it, but I'm not going anywhere.