Apple as a new religion??


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Premium Member
May 5, 2010
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Burlington, NC

"Its tablet computer can't play most of the videos on the Web ... its cell phone has trouble making voice calls ... and yet its products are wildly popular, selling millions worldwide and engendering a cultish devotion among followers.

Apple is the new religion, say several academics. It's not a matter of rationality, it's a matter of faith."

Read more: - For Apple Followers, It's a Matter of Faith, Academics Say


All praise the mighty Red Delicious
In the name of Steve jobs, the iphone, and the holy Macintosh... Amen... LOL apple
I do not consider ANYTHING on Fox actually "news" :soapbox:

That was relative to the post how........

ummmm it is Faux News? Like it says in the first line of the post.

I know the author was "trying" to be funny but the simple fact is that the iPad can play ANY video on the web (minus flash) and the phone has no problems "making calls" if you hold it right :).

Your Droid has WAY more in common with a Mac than it does with a Windows box BTW.
I was at a Engadget talking about Apple trying to distort the truth about the problem with the iPhone 4..This was a response::

Dont tell me what to believe, I believe what I wanna believe....

And one forum this one guy kept saying: Its Media Manufactured, etc. There's no problem, ALL phones have this problem....

yea...all phones have a problem with just touching an area with 1/2 an inch to an inch of hand killing the signal. Wow..

Yes, Apple is a new religion. They need to be truthful with the congregation tho...or this new religion is more like a cult....
Not really interested in whether it's a joke, spoof, whatever... "From" not interested in the link.

That said, every popular media, device, trend, etc. has people who will buy in/follow it regardless of what happens or what anyone else says.
Meanwhile in Czechoslovakia
[video=youtube;a8hwdxBoih8]]YouTube - Jozin z Bazin[/video]
Gee, if it's a cult, then let's give em all poison Kool Aid already and end this!
Yep the "Apple Hater Lemmings" are out in droves these days. If you don't have the phone I am not sure why you care about it.

I personally would have bought an iPhone over the Droid X if AT&T coverage was not so crappy. I have used the 4G and it worked fine in my hand. Interface is faster and designed better in my opinion.

Now do I think Steve Jobs and Apple is handling the grip issue in a TOTALLY wrong way? YES.

As far as the iPad goes. Try playing a Flash heavy apps like Farmvillie and see how long your phone lasts and you will understand why Apple and many others feel Flash has no business on a mobile device. Additionally most services Flash provides, like Hulu, Youtube, is replaced with an app.
Yep the "Apple Hater Lemmings" are out in droves these days. If you don't have the phone I am not sure why you care about it.

I personally would have bought an iPhone over the Droid X if AT&T coverage was not so crappy. I have used the 4G and it worked fine in my hand. Interface is faster and designed better in my opinion.

Now do I think Steve Jobs and Apple is handling the grip issue in a TOTALLY wrong way? YES.

As far as the iPad goes. Try playing a Flash heavy apps like Farmvillie and see how long your phone lasts and you will understand why Apple and many others feel Flash has no business on a mobile device. Additionally most services Flash provides, like Hulu, Youtube, is replaced with an app.

And thats why I say its a religion, cult. Those that think like you might be the minority. I hope it isnt.

I dont hate the iPhone 4, I dont really hate Apple....yet.

I hate what Apple is doing RIGHT NOW with this whole antenna campaign. What they are doing is flat out lying to current and potential iPhone 4 users. And thats just wrong.

Like I mentioned at another site, its waaaay beyond hating or caring about the iPhone 4. Its about a company trying to deceive its customers, potential customers.
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It was a good read really and has a lot of validity to the article. It is true that many people will buy the iPhone regardless of issues with the phone or network. I had a lady come in my store and opened an account with VZW so she would have a phone that worked as a phone. She also has an iPhone so I asked why she did not just cancel her iphone and buy a droid?? She said because the droid is not an iPhone, and she didnt care that she did not get service at her house or in most of the area around here. All she cared about is that it was an iPhone.
^lol....sad to say this.....but that sounds like the EVO vs. iPhone 4 viral