Quick Terminal is an input output terminal with a simple function to run a command and show the output in a simple textView.
Has the ability to run as root or as a normal user.
It has a quick toggles tab which root users usually use such as:
Signal Reset (Simple Airplane mode on and off)
Mac Address Changing and checking.
Reboot recovery and bootloader.
Wipe Dalvik Cache
Disable media scan or enable on boot.
Thats it for now.
Am Open to any new features which am able to make The Quick Toggle tab needs more but i dont know what to add
Am still new to android and learning
Will Gladly accept feedback and feature requests and ofcourse any help
Playstore link :https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.waswas.quickterminal
Has the ability to run as root or as a normal user.
It has a quick toggles tab which root users usually use such as:
Signal Reset (Simple Airplane mode on and off)
Mac Address Changing and checking.
Reboot recovery and bootloader.
Wipe Dalvik Cache
Disable media scan or enable on boot.
Thats it for now.
Am Open to any new features which am able to make The Quick Toggle tab needs more but i dont know what to add
Am still new to android and learning
Will Gladly accept feedback and feature requests and ofcourse any help
Playstore link :https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.waswas.quickterminal