Anyway to get LSD support for google maps?


New Member
Jun 19, 2010
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Is there anyway to get google maps to let you enter LSD locations? (im talking about legal subdivisions like 08-52-11-23 W5 kind of lsd for western canada, we use them heavily in the oilfield). Theres programs for windows that do it like SCADALink Locator: LSD / Lat / Long Conversion Software with GPS Mapping but cant seem to find something for my milestone that will let me do this on the gps. Some of my co-workers have dedicated gps units in thier trucks and they do this, but my milestone does gps for free so havign support for this would be awsome.
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Is there anyway to get google maps to let you enter LSD locations? (im talking about legal subdivisions like 08-52-11-23 W5 kind of lsd for western canada, we use them heavily in the oilfield). Theres programs for windows that do it like SCADALink Locator: LSD / Lat / Long Conversion Software with GPS Mapping but cant seem to find something for my milestone that will let me do this on the gps. Some of my co-workers have dedicated gps units in thier trucks and they do this, but my milestone does gps for free so havign support for this would be awsome.

i just opened maps on my droid, hit menu>search, and typed in a numeric lat/long and it found the location
You'd probably need to look into another app. Unless Google Maps on the Milestone (or any other device) somehow allows it -- in which case you'd need to see how it was enabled on that device.
I could have gotten you a good LSD location in the early-mid 90's! He lived over on Rivermet Avenue and always had the good stuff....

Wait, that isn't what you mean! Sorry, I couldn't resist. :rofl2:
Haha ChugIt I was so tempted when I saw the title... Maybe it's my rotten mind but I couldn't resist but to make a drug reference on this thread. Beat me to it!

(PS: LSD and Google Maps is probably a great mix, you'll feel like you're flying or you're god or something! However road maps and landscape flashbacks are not worth the risk)
Navigation warns you against using the phone while driving. I can't imagine what the Droid would have to say if I was dropping acid, too!
LSD and then some

"PatchLite PC" leverages Google Maps & Earth for routing on PC and by adding PatchLite GPS, route on the GPS.
Is there anyway to get google maps to let you enter LSD locations? (im talking about legal subdivisions like 08-52-11-23 W5 kind of lsd for western canada, we use them heavily in the oilfield). Theres programs for windows that do it like SCADALink Locator: LSD / Lat / Long Conversion Software with GPS Mapping but cant seem to find something for my milestone that will let me do this on the gps. Some of my co-workers have dedicated gps units in thier trucks and they do this, but my milestone does gps for free so havign support for this would be awsome.

Hi ragenrok,

We saw your request and have developed a FREE mobile version of our LSD / DLS, BC NTS and Lat / Lon conversion software at SCADALink Locator Mobile: DLS, BC NTS and Lat/Long Conversion with Google Maps Integration

We know that it is inconvenient to refer to a DLS grid to find a location, so we specifically developed this mobile application to make the conversion from LSD to Google Maps fast and simple.

As long as you have an internet connection, you can use this out in the field to find the next location, for example.

Feel free to pass it around, as the purpose of the SCADALink Locator Mobile is to assist workers in finding LSD locations easier. If you have any suggestions or comments, please feel free to message me.

~ Kai
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Hi ragenrok,

We saw your request and have developed a FREE mobile version of our LSD / DLS, BC NTS and Lat / Lon conversion software at SCADALink Locator Mobile: DLS, BC NTS and Lat/Long Conversion with Google Maps Integration

We know that it is inconvenient to refer to a DLS grid to find a location, so we specifically developed this mobile application to make the conversion from LSD to Google Maps fast and simple.

As long as you have an internet connection, you can use this out in the field to find the next location, for example.

Feel free to pass it around, as the purpose of the SCADALink Locator Mobile is to assist workers in finding LSD locations easier. If you have any suggestions or comments, please feel free to message me.

~ Kai

I do have a suggestion. Iphone now seems to have an app called LSD Nav. Any chance of developing one for Android, which will navigate based on open street maps or Google maps?
LSD Navigation on Android

There is an app on the "Play Store" called "LSD2Lat/Long" that allows you to input the LSD and convert it to Lat/Long and then display it on "Maps" as well as giving you driving directions to the site. As most LSD's are usually the downhole location this app should get you where you're going. BTW, unlike the Rocanda app on the iPhone, which I have and use A LOT, this one isn't free. The cost is $1.99. A mere pittance in return for being the guy who can always find the site ahead of anyone else.

As well for any EMS people working in the oil and gas sector this app combined with YELP will give you all the info you need to set up your ERP's with STARS by providing you with Lat/Long and directions to your site.
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