Anyone going to sell there DX2 and get the Bionic?


Jun 30, 2010
Reaction score
I'm strongly considering selling my Droid X2, and just using the money to buy the Bionic when it comes out. Anyone else have the same idea?
I have 4 days left before I can return my X2 and only pay the 30 dollar restocking fee. Thinking about doing it and hooking the OG Droid back up till the Bionic comes out.
IF, and thats a big if, the bionic lives up to all the hype, I'm contemplating adding a third line of service just to acquire the Bionic at a discounted price.

Then I'll sell the X2 to help pay the termination fee on that line of service after I transfer the Bionic onto my line.
I would end up buying one on ebay and activating it on my current line so I keep unlimited data.

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Im thinking about getting bionic but i will wait untill its.rooted be for i do so and also to save up money because full price just sucks lol but no i will not sell my dx2 for a couple of reasons: one it'll be my fall back phone and 2 because i kept every phone i have ever owned and i will add this to that collection.its not much cause i got my first phone when i was 18 and im 25 now. Thats 5 phones and my dx2 is my 6th and my first smart phone So even though its a love hate relationship it was still my first (blush, just kidding on the blush part). Also i don't like getting rid of technology unless i must.

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