Any one else testing ICS?


New Member
Dec 26, 2011
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I gave it a shot today.... Beautiful Rom! I can't wait till the buggs start getting worked out a little more! Battery life was great,really smooth transitions..... Phone and market are busted, but man is it Purdy!

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Can you point me in the right direction as to how and where to get ics from? I have a droid razr now as well does my gf. I got her old D1 and was going to put ics on it. I rooted it for her like over a yr ago and thats been the last time i have played with roms or anything. So i already have root so can you tell me how i can get ics and where to get it from and how....basically some instructions. thanks. I am going to use this phone as like an mp3 player and to get on internet when im on wifi and just as a spare device and something to play around with ics til i get it on my razr.
There has been a fix that allows the market to work. Read through the thread over on XDA and grab the Gapps from Metal. Also if you are looking for a great ROM on D1, try Cushzero. Based off of Liquid and its tight and fast.
Tried the most recent Rom.... runs really good..... Can't wait to use this as my primary, this thing is beautiful!!!!

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I would love to be able to try out the newest updates but I really cannot until they get the service lost after reboot fixed :( it's plagued me on every build
I would love to be able to try out the newest updates but I really cannot until they get the service lost after reboot fixed :( it's plagued me on every build

I think it was fixed on this last build done on Jan. 5TH..... I haven't had any Bad problems with it......Just a little too buggy for me.... :) Kang Rock the house though..... I'm sure we'll have another update here in a few days.