I ordered my Xoom Wi-fi only from Amazon, but the seller instead sent me a 3G/4G version of Xoom.
It works fine, no issues. It asked me about activating my Mobile network a couple of times but now it doesn't (good for me )
I'm kinda new to Honeycomb and I intend to use my Xoom for development purposes like modifying the kernel, ROMs and such. Would the 3G/4G version of Xoom cause any problems for these ? Other than for dev - any known issues on this model compared to the WiFi only ?
It works fine, no issues. It asked me about activating my Mobile network a couple of times but now it doesn't (good for me )
I'm kinda new to Honeycomb and I intend to use my Xoom for development purposes like modifying the kernel, ROMs and such. Would the 3G/4G version of Xoom cause any problems for these ? Other than for dev - any known issues on this model compared to the WiFi only ?