We almost didn't post this story, because it certainly has a high probability of being fake. Ultimately, it is being shared across all the other mobile websites, so we felt, at the very least, it was our journalistic responsibility to share it with you guys. The above image, (which looks suspiciously like some version of a Galaxy Note on someone's kitchen table), is supposedly a leaked image of the Samsung Galaxy S III. In some ways it does fit some of the rumors we have heard about the device, because it has 5 columns of icons instead of the typical four, and the screen size seems like it could be the right dimensions.
Still, if it were legit, then why would the icons be "blurred" intentionally? Seems like it's probably just someone out to get their few seconds of secret fame. (How's that for an oxymoron?) Take this one as you will...
Source: SlashGear