Another 4G outage?


Silver Member
Dec 29, 2009
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All I can get here in SE Michigan is 3G.

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I have not had 4g for almost 2 days. El Paso TX. Gonna go complain tomorrow.

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I did last time and got me a 15 dollar credit. Stick it verizon!
I have not had 3G/4G service for 24 hours, and 4G has been very spotty for at least a week, if not longer. The last time I called VZW (about 3 days ago), I talked to a snotty, young female rep and she did nothing, and didn't care. I will probably call tomorrow. The only way my phone is of any use, is through Wi-Fi. :mad:
Rebooted this morning. 4g working. Sensorly showing -73---85 dbm
Speed test on the 30's. Hmm whatever. As long as it stays.
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