Ladies and gentlemen the Droid Forums app will no longer work. Please use Tapatalk to navigate and post while mobile. The reason for this change is that we are going to be moving over to a new forum software and a whole new look. You're going to really enjoy the new software. Not only does it look outstanding and professional, its a lot faster. Thats no hype.
Again, the Droid Forums App will no longer work so please move over to TapaTalk for your DF mobile needs.
If you don't have it, you can grab the it here for free!
Thanks everyone and stay tuned for the forum update!!!
Again, the Droid Forums App will no longer work so please move over to TapaTalk for your DF mobile needs.
If you don't have it, you can grab the it here for free!
Thanks everyone and stay tuned for the forum update!!!