Animated Caller ID


Jan 11, 2010
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Seems as how the droids boot animations are multiple pictures displayed in succession, i was curious if its possible to do the same for friends incoming calls to display set images for each contact!!

they told me i couldnt have bootanimations with sound on my droid1, well figured that one out with some help!! and im certain theres a logical way to get this accomplished too!!

Im sure its possible as pics already come up, but if we could animate a slide show...well im sure you can imagine all the silly poses and stuff you could do with each of your friends..
A friend of mine a long time ago had really long day he decided he was going to shave it!! well long story short another friend took a crap-load of pictures and made it into an animated flash pic that he used as his profile pic! So maybe a flash plugin for the phone app but most likely java!!

now`i know its possible as the droid already does this at boot..bootanimation!! so if we could find a low resource way of loading these on the fly per call and individual ones for each friend or just have a default one!!:icon_eek:

So any programers out there got some free time?

Any Thoughts??:icon_eek:
Droid 1
Chevyno1 Simply Stunning Gingerbread v.5.2
Chevyno1 1.0ghz lv kernal
r2d2 bootanimation w/audio
adw ex launcher
This was in another section I moved here