Take a look at this article:
Trove: The best stories picked by people who share your interests
To recap: The title is, "Apple is About to do Something Brilliant." And what is this brilliant thing? Make an iPhone with a larger screen, possibly even a "phablet".
How is this brilliant? Samsung has been making them for three years! A lot of folks laughed at the idea of a 5.3 inch screen in 2011, and Steve Jobs dismissed the idea entirely.
But now that Apple is making them, it's a brilliant idea? What's so brilliant about playing catch-up?
When other manufacturers started making touchscreen phones, they were described as Apple "wannabees". But now that Apple is following a true industry trend, no one's calling them a wannabe.
And that's what so frustrating to me: to the tech media, everything Apple does is automatically "visionary", "brilliant", "years ahead", even when they are copying something that has been around for three years.... I don't blame the general media, but tech media should know better. It's just so irritating that you can't read a tech review without the item being compared to Apple--and the comment is always some variation of "well, it's no Apple..."
I LOVE my Note II! The only thing I'd even consider trading it for is another Note.
I'm not trying to bash Apple. I'm just saying that the tech media needs to stop assuming that everything Apple does is the best of the best before it even comes out.
Trove: The best stories picked by people who share your interests
To recap: The title is, "Apple is About to do Something Brilliant." And what is this brilliant thing? Make an iPhone with a larger screen, possibly even a "phablet".
How is this brilliant? Samsung has been making them for three years! A lot of folks laughed at the idea of a 5.3 inch screen in 2011, and Steve Jobs dismissed the idea entirely.
But now that Apple is making them, it's a brilliant idea? What's so brilliant about playing catch-up?
When other manufacturers started making touchscreen phones, they were described as Apple "wannabees". But now that Apple is following a true industry trend, no one's calling them a wannabe.
And that's what so frustrating to me: to the tech media, everything Apple does is automatically "visionary", "brilliant", "years ahead", even when they are copying something that has been around for three years.... I don't blame the general media, but tech media should know better. It's just so irritating that you can't read a tech review without the item being compared to Apple--and the comment is always some variation of "well, it's no Apple..."
I LOVE my Note II! The only thing I'd even consider trading it for is another Note.
I'm not trying to bash Apple. I'm just saying that the tech media needs to stop assuming that everything Apple does is the best of the best before it even comes out.