Android Mouse Idea

Aug 18, 2010
Reaction score
Southern Indiana
I was thinking the other day that it would be cool if someone developed an app that allowed you to control your mouse pointer from your phones touch screen either through the usb cord or through Bluetooth.

Has this been done yet? If not I'd like to design the appearance if someone else would like to do the code.

I was thinking you could do skins and what not for the app itself so when you were looking at the app while tracing your finger to control the arrow you had something interesting to see.

Anyone interested?
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hm, its not exactly the same thing but there are many remote desktop apps for controlling your pc or servers remotely. It allows for control of the mouse, but it is hardly instant and your idea seems to be slightly different.
yeah, premotedroid works well.. just installed it, actually using it now.
I've learned that just because someone has done it first doesn't mean they've done it best. I have a few other ideas to make the app fun as well as operational.
I use PhoneMyPC to do that. Use it all the time when I am watching Hulu on my laptop hooked to my TV, when I need to change the video I just launch PhoneMyPC from my droid and controll the mouse and keyboard.

Also amazing because you can use it on 3G and see your entire PC screen on the droid. A must have for me.