I am new to Droid and the Android Market, so please bear with me; I’m not even sure this is the proper forum for this.
When I go to buy apps from the Android Market; just prior to the completion of the purchase a “Permission required” or something like that has to be given.
So, I read below at a bunch of nightmare things that can happen to my Droid 2 Global if I purchase the app.
Now, here is where I am confused; a person would think after reading all those nightmare challenges that can impact my phone, that they are trying to persuade me not to buy the app. That doesn't make any sense!!
Why would anyone want to buy an app with the nightmares that come with it?
Is it just possibilities that can happen to you? Is it a joke of some kind?
I can't seem to get my head around this idea of a buying an awesome app that might or might not destroy my phone and make my life miserable.
How do you know what app to buy? Do you look for the app with the fewest nightmares? Are there any apps that don’t have an “I want to destroy your phone list”?
There are many apps I want to buy/free for my phone; but I see a list that says “take your chances” on just about everyone of them.
How or what do you look for in the app without having the possibility of having your phone destroyed?
I really don’t understand some of the nightmares; so destroying my phone might be a bit of a stretch……..all I know is, when I look at the list; if one of those things happen to me, I’m going to have trouble.:unsure:
Sorry, for the book I just wrote; I just want you to know where I am coming from.
I have just wrote and re-read this entry and I don’t understand it.
Please help me understand; I tried a “search” but could not find the topic I needed.
I would appreciate any help…..thanks!!
When I go to buy apps from the Android Market; just prior to the completion of the purchase a “Permission required” or something like that has to be given.
So, I read below at a bunch of nightmare things that can happen to my Droid 2 Global if I purchase the app.
Now, here is where I am confused; a person would think after reading all those nightmare challenges that can impact my phone, that they are trying to persuade me not to buy the app. That doesn't make any sense!!
Why would anyone want to buy an app with the nightmares that come with it?
Is it just possibilities that can happen to you? Is it a joke of some kind?
I can't seem to get my head around this idea of a buying an awesome app that might or might not destroy my phone and make my life miserable.
How do you know what app to buy? Do you look for the app with the fewest nightmares? Are there any apps that don’t have an “I want to destroy your phone list”?
There are many apps I want to buy/free for my phone; but I see a list that says “take your chances” on just about everyone of them.
How or what do you look for in the app without having the possibility of having your phone destroyed?
I really don’t understand some of the nightmares; so destroying my phone might be a bit of a stretch……..all I know is, when I look at the list; if one of those things happen to me, I’m going to have trouble.:unsure:
Sorry, for the book I just wrote; I just want you to know where I am coming from.
I have just wrote and re-read this entry and I don’t understand it.

Please help me understand; I tried a “search” but could not find the topic I needed.
I would appreciate any help…..thanks!!