Android is losing

Cool. Great info! I will have to check out what they are working on. Thanks.

{{ WugFresh }}
Well in any respect I will most likely be getting an iPod touch soon just because of the fact I have around 13 gb of music on my Droid and if there is one thing you can say, its that ipods are pretty good music players lol

When a friend of mine was getting a phone some time ago the salesperson suggested an iPhone. The friend had an iPod and with the iPhone he didn't have to carry the iPod around any more as he could put it all in the iPhone. Right. He has a nearly full 60gb iPod and should give that up in favor of a 16gb iPhone.
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Since when is it "evil" for a company to make a profit?

Sent from my Droid 2 while driving. Thankyou Tapatalk

Its how they do it thats evil. Forcing people to use iTunes is pretty evil... IMO that is.

Its because of itunes, and itunes alone, that I'll never get an iphone/ipod.

Same with my girlfriend, and she was just about to buy an iphone when itunes deleted her entire ipod without so much as a confirmation box. She plugged it in to recharge and it deleted the whole thing.

If itunes alone wasn't bad enough, I hate having to go through the program to put any media on the device.

Thats funny, because I use iTunes, but i do not use my ipod at all... I use my droid for mobile music and iTunes on the pc...

I really like itunes actually.

the whole 400% profit thing (imo) is not because of itunes (you dont have to buy the music to put it on your ipod) it is because of the computers. they wayyy overcharge. I was going to get a macbook pro for college but it was 1500. and I could have bought a way better and more powerful pc. So i did. And i am happier. Apple is a company that restricts its customers, and to put it simply, makes the customer their *****.
Can't blame apple for wanting to make a lot of money, we would all do it too if we could ahha

Sent From My Droid Without Spell Checker
When you start comparing true spec to spec, Mac's are not as much higher as people would like you to believe. You have to actually look at every component per component.

Beyond that, you can look at educational discounts and refurbished units. I always look at Apple refurbs straight off the bat. Same or better quality than new with a full warranty.
I'm buying the ipad 2 with a government discount... its quite a bit less

Sent From My Droid Without Spell Checker
Apple does market research like any respectable company, they literally ask customers how much they would be willing to pay for their products. Considering the technology incorporated into their stretched iPhone (iPad), I would say the price is fairly reasonable and is certainly competitive with xoom pricing... apple does over charge for their macbooks and towers but its all part of their marketing strategy for creating the feeling of "high quality" devices... most of which are. Apple spends more time on the finesse; casing, branding, gui, than it does with the actual component to price ratio. Your not just buying a bunch of hardware specs, you are buying a shinny trendy mac, its a single entity, hardware and software as one... the whole thing is very clever from a business perspective... but as a consumer who understand technology... I really don't care about their augmented features, I rather build my self a tower and make it a beast... don't care how it looks.

{{ WugFresh }}
Apple does market research like any respectable company, they literally ask customers how much they would be willing to pay for their products. Considering the technology incorporated into their stretched iPhone (iPad), I would say the price is fairly reasonable and is certainly competitive with xoom pricing... apple does over charge for their macbooks and towers but its all part of their marketing strategy for creating the feeling of "high quality" devices... most of which are. Apple spends more time on the finesse; casing, branding, gui, than it does with the actual component to price ratio. Your not just buying a bunch of hardware specs, you are buying a shinny trendy mac, its a single entity, hardware and software as one... the whole thing is very clever from a business perspective... but as a consumer who understand technology... I really don't care about their augmented features, I rather build my self a tower and make it a beast... don't care how it looks.
{{ WugFresh }}

This is true, with apple you're garenteed that everything just works. and for a end user that's perfect, but for someone who can do almost anything with their techonolgy then its not a good thing...

As far as pricing they do so much that we don't even put into consiteration, every one of apples applacations is reviewed and submitted. That takes a lot of time and a lot of money!

Sent From My Droid Without Spell Checker
Oh and ipad 2 has been jailbroken
.. I'm buying it sooon

Sent From My Droid Without Spell Checker
Apple does market research like any respectable company, they literally ask customers how much they would be willing to pay for their products. Considering the technology incorporated into their stretched iPhone (iPad), I would say the price is fairly reasonable and is certainly competitive with xoom pricing... apple does over charge for their macbooks and towers but its all part of their marketing strategy for creating the feeling of "high quality" devices... most of which are. Apple spends more time on the finesse; casing, branding, gui, than it does with the actual component to price ratio. Your not just buying a bunch of hardware specs, you are buying a shinny trendy mac, its a single entity, hardware and software as one... the whole thing is very clever from a business perspective... but as a consumer who understand technology... I really don't care about their augmented features, I rather build my self a tower and make it a beast... don't care how it looks.
{{ WugFresh }}

This is true, with apple you're garenteed that everything just works. and for a end user that's perfect, but for someone who can do almost anything with their techonolgy then its not a good thing...

As far as pricing they do so much that we don't even put into consiteration, every one of apples applacations is reviewed and submitted. That takes a lot of time and a lot of money!

Sent From My Droid Without Spell Checker

Agreed. When I worked with a team making iPhone apps, I was amazed with their approval process, they sent us back exactly what we needed to change to get it in the market... I couldn't believe they actually do that for every app.. they are crazy.. if that was my company I would invest that money to build robots to do it... lol. I guess someone there must have made the calculations already. They do make 30% on every app, so I guess that off-sets their business expense... still crazy to me. Thats ALOT of apps....

{{ WugFresh }}
I agree with you to some extent but we are not talking about apple in general, we are talking about the mobile platforms and the main thing I have learned from this thread is about android lacking dpkg app packages which would make customizing the phone a lot nicer for end users. I'm sticking with android because I don't like apples bubbley gui and over simplified outlook on delivering computer technology... but the fact of the matter is that from a purely objective standpoint a jailbroken iphone5 actually brings technology to the table that android has not yet adapted. Dont get me wrong, I definitely enjoy hacking my device just as much as any android user and I am familiar with all the procedures/processes involved for customizing my android device, but talking about ways to simplify those procedures is a good thing.. that's what technology is all about, making the complex simple through automation and back-end systems. Regardless, knowing all that.. the whole iPhone frenzy gives me a gag reflex so I chose to remain on the android platform... just my opinion... you are more than entitled to yours....

Edit; Mods.... why are you deleting every post that raises some controversy. Its as if it were never stated.... but it was... did it violate policy?

{{ WugFresh }}
I didn't remove the post because it was controversial, I removed it for the name calling and inflammatory nature. The point could have been made just as well without the initial remarks. Name calling simply is not tolerated on the site.
Ok... lol.. I just wrote that long response only to realize I was responding to nothing. Next time I will quote it before its gets deleted.. lol.. kidding.

{{ WugFresh }}
Neither are your mom jokes, you'll get a 3 day ban for trying to put some funny into a thread about playstation roms.
Your post still reads fine. And if you will recall, I have left several posts up that are against Apple and are controversial. But inflammatory posts won't survive here. They turn threads like this one into garbage very quickly.