Android Activations Breach 700,000 Per Day


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX

Andy Rubin just shared the new Android activation numbers, and they are still skyrocketing. The total number of Android activations has risen to 700,000 per day, up from 550,000 in November. In fact, back in November, 200 million Android devices have been activated worldwide now. This was double the number of activations they had just 6 months ago, in May of this year. It's not hard to think that Google will likely hit 250 million by the end of the year.

Source: BGR and Google+ - Andy Rubin
I tried debating this on droid-life but there are some serious losers who all they do is make fun of anyone who disagrees with anything Android on that site! But for me personally, I have no data to prove otherwise other than simple logic, I don't see how this could be possible. I could definitely be wrong but I don't see 255.5 million new devices a year being activated. The number just seems a bit inflated to me. I would love to see some more data to back this number up though!
I tried debating this on droid-life but there are some serious losers who all they do is make fun of anyone who disagrees with anything Android on that site! But for me personally, I have no data to prove otherwise other than simple logic, I don't see how this could be possible. I could definitely be wrong but I don't see 255.5 million new devices a year being activated. The number just seems a bit inflated to me. I would love to see some more data to back this number up though!

It depends on how they're tracking activations. But think about it. Samsung sold 30 million GS2s alone as of October. How many have they sold since? How many other android models are there? I could see there being a slight inflation, but it's likely relatively accurate.

But I agree, it sounds high. That's because it is. The smartphone race to a majority market leader is all but over at this point.
It depends on how they're tracking activations. But think about it. Samsung sold 30 million GS2s alone as of October. How many have they sold since? How many other android models are there? I could see there being a slight inflation, but it's likely relatively accurate.

But I agree, it sounds high. That's because it is. The smartphone race to a majority market leader is all but over at this point.

Another factor too, when dealing with numbers this large it is far more easy to be skeptical. I really would love to see the breakdown of activations and what it all entails though. I know supposedly it doesn't count resales, wifi tabs, or rooters flashing roms.
Another factor too, when dealing with numbers this large it is far more easy to be skeptical. I really would love to see the breakdown of activations and what it all entails though. I know supposedly it doesn't count resales, wifi tabs, or rooters flashing roms.

^THIS! I can see counting every time you put your account info as an 'activation', in which case my D1 has been activated about a hundred times.

EDIT: Just saw you said its suppose to not count those, but I think thats the only way they can really be getting that many per day. I mean how big is the total smartphone market?
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It depends on how they're tracking activations. But think about it. Samsung sold 30 million GS2s alone as of October. How many have they sold since? How many other android models are there? I could see there being a slight inflation, but it's likely relatively accurate.

But I agree, it sounds high. That's because it is. The smartphone race to a majority market leader is all but over at this point.

Are you referring to this: Samsung Galaxy S Sales Hit 30 Million | News & Opinion | ? That was referring to Galaxy S, and S2, both of which have like 8 different variants. So it wasn't just the "S2" that sold 30 million, it was 14 or some odd phones that sold 30 million over a period of a year and a half...

I don't know this number seems high to me, and not realistic. While it's a great number, like OTR said simple logic seems to indicate there's no way this is true...almost 300,000,000 by this time next year?? that's like the entire population of the US almost haha

The race is pretty much over regardless of what the actual number is though!
Ah. I just remembered seeing the number. Didn't realize it was the entire galaxy line. Thanks.
I think the number is to low and it'll get a lot bigger. In the last year most of the mobile phones produced worldwide were smartphones or based on one of the main mobile OS's. There are a lot of really cheap chinese Android phones out there that anyone can afford. There are over mobile phone subscribers worldwide and the number of people moving to smartphones grows by the day. Android has 53% of the smartphone market right now and it added almost 100.000.000 new users in the last 8 months alone and the number is exponentially growing, not to mention users renewing their old Android phones. That easily adds up to 700.000 new activations per day.
Are you referring to this: Samsung Galaxy S Sales Hit 30 Million | News & Opinion | ? That was referring to Galaxy S, and S2, both of which have like 8 different variants. So it wasn't just the "S2" that sold 30 million, it was 14 or some odd phones that sold 30 million over a period of a year and a half...

I don't know this number seems high to me, and not realistic. While it's a great number, like OTR said simple logic seems to indicate there's no way this is true...almost 300,000,000 by this time next year?? that's like the entire population of the US almost haha

The race is pretty much over regardless of what the actual number is though!

I don't usually chime in on these, simply because I like to just bring you guys the news, and let you discuss it, but I thought I would throw in some math that actually makes it seem more plausible. When you consider that our planet now has 7 Billion people on it, and only roughly 350 Million of those are in the United States (about 5%); then you factor in the rapid adoption of smartphone phone tech throughout the world, especially in China, Japan, Korea, Europe, and even the developing nations, then, taken as a whole, a figure of 250 Million Android activations begins to come into perspective as an easy number.

That number is less than 5% of the total population of the planet. I am not taking sides, or stating that I agree with the numbers, but sometimes, here in the States, its easy to get in a mindset of forgetting that there is a much larger world out there than we see, and these numbers don't really seem that inflated when you look at it from that perspective. Apple's numbers were pretty crazy when the iPhone first came out. Just food for thought... ;)
I don't usually chime in on these, simply because I like to just bring you guys the news, and let you discuss it, but I thought I would throw in some math that actually makes it seem more plausible. When you consider that our planet now has 7 Billion people on it, and only roughly 350 Million of those are in the United States (about 5%); then you factor in the rapid adoption of smartphone phone tech throughout the world, especially in China, Japan, Korea, Europe, and even the developing nations, then, taken as a whole, a figure of 250 Million Android activations begins to come into perspective as an easy number.

That number is less than 5% of the total population of the planet. I am not taking sides, or stating that I agree with the numbers, but sometimes, here in the States, its easy to get in a mindset of forgetting that there is a much larger world out there than we see, and these numbers don't really seem that inflated when you look at it from that perspective. Apple's numbers were pretty crazy when the iPhone first came out. Just food for thought... ;)

Yep all true points but that's assuming that all 7 billion people are in the market for a smartphone. The projections say that by the end of 2011, about 480 million people will own a smartphone (and that's including iOS, WP7, Android and whatever else is out there haha). So while the market is huge and growing, it's not growing at the rate of 300,000,000/yr for one OS....I dunno, seems hard to swallow.
A stat from census webpage said around 3 billion world wide are at a poverty level of about $2.50 per day. That and the billion or so people who are above poverty level and can't read or write. Then the 600,000 million who don't use electricty, and then the people in U.S. who live off the grid, plus the iphone/blackberry/other os population. All this just makes it seem really high numbers for new device activations per day.
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Now who can believe this?? Didn't Andy Rooney Die ?? :happy3: Oh!! You said Rubin... :D
A stat from census webpage said around 3 billion world wide are at a poverty level of about $2.50 per day. That and the billion or so people who are above poverty level and can't read or write. Then the 600,000 million who don't use electricty, and then the people in U.S. who live off the grid, plus the iphone/blackberry/other os population. All this just makes it seem really high numbers for new device activations per day.
Sent from my DROID3 using DroidForums

I traveled in some of the third world countries and even few years back when mobile phones were at the beginning I saw more cell phone users than in some of the more developed countries. One of the reasons was that a lot of areas didn't had a landline phone network in place, so wireless phones were the only way to have a phone and communicate even if you had to literally get up on the roof to get a signal, it was still a phone. Another thing that happens in poor countries is that for a lot of people the phone is a status symbol, they can't afford cars so they have to show off with something and cell phones are the next best thing. I saw people with $250 monthly income buying $600 phones and making 2 year payment plans for them.
Also in a lot of countries owning a cell phone doesn't cost more then $3-$5 per month if you only use a few minutes and MB per month. The conversations there are extremely short over the phone , usually used just to communicate a meeting place and time.
My point is that there are a lot more people than you would think in poor countries that own a smart phone , as of this month almost 80% of the population has a cell phone.
I traveled in some of the third world countries and even few years back when mobile phones were at the beginning I saw more cell phone users than in some of the more developed countries. One of the reasons was that a lot of areas didn't had a landline phone network in place, so wireless phones were the only way to have a phone and communicate even if you had to literally get up on the roof to get a signal, it was still a phone. Another thing that happens in poor countries is that for a lot of people the phone is a status symbol, they can't afford cars so they have to show off with something and cell phones are the next best thing. I saw people with $250 monthly income buying $600 phones and making 2 year payment plans for them.
Also in a lot of countries owning a cell phone doesn't cost more then $3-$5 per month if you only use a few minutes and MB per month. The conversations there are extremely short over the phone , usually used just to communicate a meeting place and time.
My point is that there are a lot more people than you would think in poor countries that own a smart phone , as of this month almost 80% of the population has a cell phone.

I doubt these phones are android phones, or even smartphones for that matter.
Making $2.50 a day is only $75 every 30 days, if they are having a cell phone and making only 75 a month I think their priorities are screwed up!

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