Am I the only one with this wi fi problem?


New Member
Nov 9, 2009
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Hey guys, I cant really figure out if its my phone or my wireless connection at home. I have no been able to test it on another wifi connection just want to see if im alone on this. I could be sitting about 15 feet from my router and my wifi connection would suck horribly either it wont work where it will say error cannot open page or it loads super slow. My 3g is working maybe 2 or 3 times faster than my wifi connection. My itouch does not seem to be having a problem so im guessing its my droid? Anybody else have a problem with their wifi?
try changing the channel on your router to channel 6
My Droid has the same WiFi problem. I have an unecrypted wireless network in my house. Laptop and 2 iPod touches connected to the WiFi just fine. Droid shows a weak signal, and has problems connecting.

I'm wondering if some Droids have a defective WiFi function?? :icon_evil:

Anybody else?

can't connect. says i'm connected but I am not.
Odd. My router has the newest and most complex encryption method and I am getting full green. Then again the router is right on the other side of this room and I've never tried connecting anywhere else in the house.
Odd. My router has the newest and most complex encryption method and I am getting full green. Then again the router is right on the other side of this room and I've never tried connecting anywhere else in the house.

I had a crappy old Linksys router (atleast 6 years old) and the only way I could get my Droid to connect to it was to take off all security, which for me is a bad idea, since I live in a city and all the houses around me could freeload my internet. Fortunately, I had a newer Netgear router on hand, and even with WEP it works great. Try messing with your settings, etc. It should work, a lot of people seem to be having a problem, so try searching the forums and see if other people have found workarounds until a fix comes out.
on 3g, i just got 1405 kbps
on wifi i only got 1700 kbps

when i run the speedtest on my PC, i get 5.95 mbps
