Been Wondering Where the HTC Merge Went? Over to Alltel.
After all he talk of the HTC Merge coming to Verizon and the accessories in the stores. All that to get disappointed in the end. Now on its way to Alltel and if it passes some final tests, could be available in the next month or so.
by Kellex
Source Droid Life
After all he talk of the HTC Merge coming to Verizon and the accessories in the stores. All that to get disappointed in the end. Now on its way to Alltel and if it passes some final tests, could be available in the next month or so.
- First appearance, looking like a fantastic global device.
- We give you more pictures of it.
- We leak the user guide.
- Supposed to be released on November 11.
- Rumored to be delayed for an LTE radio.
- Appears on Verizon’s site briefly.
- Disappears and is no where to be seen at CES.
- Now headed to Alltel.
by Kellex
Source Droid Life