Album art showing up in the Gallery

Here is a tip, load the music player and scroll through the album view to make sure all the pictures are showing in the media player, then go into the gallery and delete all the album art pictures. You will notice the art from the music player will still work even if you deleted it from the gallery.
You can create a blank file that is names .nomedia and drop in the folder.
I believe the gallery will then ignore anything images in the folder.

Worked perfectly. Quicker than deleting each out of the Gallery. Thanks for the tip!
What do you use to create the blank file? I have this issue and want to clear it up.
What do you use to create the blank file? I have this issue and want to clear it up.

1. if you dont have it already go get Astro file manager
2. in the folder where the album art is located press soft menu button (between the back and home buttons) and create new zip name is "nomedia"
3.long press that new zip file and click edit / rename
4.rename that file to ".nomedia"

having that .nomedia file in the folder will hide any photos in your gallery.
I had an iTag folder with all the album art I looked for when renaming and tagging songs I downloaded using iMusic Tao

I already had Astro File manager. Unfortunatly for me my music is organized in folders by artist then album. I put the .nomedia file in each folder that contains the mp3 files and the folder art but they are still showing up in my gallery. I even restarted the Droid trying to get it to work.

I change my music every month or so and the next time I'm going to set MediaMonkey to not send over the album art.

Thanks for the help though.
The only "minor" problem with the .nomedia file is that it also removes the music from the Music Player library. Sort of inconvienient.
So if I have different applications stored on my phone that store images in a folder required for the application, will this .nomedia file in those folders prevent those applications from being able to use the images as well?
I have a similar but opposite problem. My playlist grabbed a random picture from my gallery and now I can't get rid of it.I even deleted the picture but it still shows the picture whenever I play music.

How do I get rid of it?
Do you have imusic, did you get the song from imusic?? because I had this problem when the artist name is imusic, it goes to the first album cover it sees.