Album art


New Member
Feb 17, 2010
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I just downloaded a bunch of my music from Windows Media Player to my droid. When I bring up the music player that came on the droid it does not display any of my album art. All the album art is displayed on media player. Any suggestions?
Download a file manager like Astro on the Marketplace. It can access the the SD card and show you what folders are on it. Also, if you have a computer hook your phone up to it through USB and explore the card through My Computer.
Once you have that file located or created, how do you get it to retrieve your album art? I used dazzboard to import all of my music to my droid. I suppose none of the album art transferred, because I am having the same problem as the original poster...I have all my music on there, I just don't have any Album Art. Should the stock player go out and get that stuff or do I need an App from the market to be able to go out and grab that?

Thanks for your help!
Once you have that file located or created, how do you get it to retrieve your album art? I used dazzboard to import all of my music to my droid. I suppose none of the album art transferred, because I am having the same problem as the original poster...I have all my music on there, I just don't have any Album Art. Should the stock player go out and get that stuff or do I need an App from the market to be able to go out and grab that?

Thanks for your help!
I just transfered mine straight off the computer without using any media program at all. and it put all the album thums in the gallery. then the phone (not sure which program) made its own folder on the sd card and put them in there also. so then i deleted the ones out of the gallery and left the other folder alone and mine works fine.. maybe try using "mixzinglite" from the market and see if it recongizes the art..
Google or someone needs to make a PC program which does all this for you. Kind of like iTunes where it recognized your device and automatically transfers songs over that you specify. If you don't have the album cover it searches the net for one.
Google or someone needs to make a PC program which does all this for you. Kind of like iTunes where it recognized your device and automatically transfers songs over that you specify. If you don't have the album cover it searches the net for one.
i totally agree. i found an app the other day that would find music album art, If you had all the song info correct. but you had to do one song at a time. so i unintalled it!!
Yeah, I know there are apps that will go out and grab the album art, but I'm trying to avoid paying for that. Although, if you had to go out and do it 1 at a time, it might be worth the 2 bucks. What app did you use?
It took me a minute to find it again. but its called "itag"... its free too
Get album art grabber from the market place, does album at a time. Works a treat.