About how long is your uptime on the Bionic?


Jan 10, 2012
Reaction score
Homescreen > menu button > Settings > About phone > Status > Up time

I just looked right before I rebooted my phone and I had reached over 337 hours, which is two weeks!
Wondering if anyone else has achieved something crazy like two months!
I never get past a week...:)...LOL
I have a battery dock so I switch out my batteries often. So I would never try.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk
not a bionic, but my DX has been up for 384 hours, 116 for my razr

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My DX had made almost a month.... but now I make it standard practice to shut my phone off at least once a week...
Why did the forum edit the word shut???
Lol.... too close to the other word I guess

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
459:28:30 and counting. Stock, unrooted.

Ive been too busy to fuss with it, and have found that the more I ignore it, the better it works :p.
Last edited:
490 hours on stock .901 and in a mostly 4g area.

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