Well as of two days ago my beloved rooted droid1 is no more.
I was heading out to take my dog outside and I left my phone on my end talbe still plugged in all was fine. When I came back in I checked my rooted droid and all I had was the Motorola emblem!! Don't know what happened or why just no phone at all nada,nothing, no one was around so no one messed with it it just seems like it erased everything itself! A complete wipe! SD card all of it, all backups, stock everything! Udder loss! Verizon sent me out a replacement one,but it sucks bad my perfect Droid gone sooo heart broken. And the replacement one has been updated so I can't root with a one click method like I did with the first. (z4root) I don't have a computer or even internet, so anything I do I have to do via phone method. Now my replacement phone is also being sent back cuz its refurbished and doesn't charge right you have to hold it in place or it wont charge. So they are going to send another one out and it will be on 2.2.1 but this one is on 2.2.2 which sucks by the way. What to do??? I want my original one back i was using my favorite rom miui ,but don't know why it did what it did. Anyone who knows what happened and why so I can make sure it wont happen again would greatly appreciate it.
Thanks in advance!
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Thanks in advance!
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