32gig card?


DF News Team
Premium Member
Nov 6, 2009
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Anyone have a link to buy a 32g microsd card for the phone? having trouble locating one.

Don't think they are available yet... but whenever they come out the Droid will support them lol
i was able to find one on eBay for $80. but other than that i can not find them anywhere.
32GB is pretty large... i figure it will slow down performance a bit if the droid has to go searching through all that space... the sd cards arent the fastest when it comes to reading and writing...
I plan to get a 32GB card just because my Droid is going to replace my iPod and the more music and now videos it can hold, the better.
Another option is multiple sd cards. Like if you keep movies on your phone but rarely watch them except for certain times, you can have an sd card full of movies that you put in during flights, vacations, etc. Just an option instead of waiting on a 32gb.
Only problem with that is having to open the battery, pop it out and replace the card. It would be great if there was a side slot to slide it in to. Not sure why with all the other phones out there with easy access they didn't do that on this phone.
That's true. That's why I said videos that you don't watch often but would like to have with you. If you had your music span 2 sd cards then that would get annoying QUICK lol
Only problem with that is having to open the battery, pop it out and replace the card. It would be great if there was a side slot to slide it in to. Not sure why with all the other phones out there with easy access they didn't do that on this phone.

Because with the droid you have to unmount the card first in the OS.

Windows mobile (eg my old 8525) you could just pop them in and out etc.

- and yes a 32gb drive for audio/movies etc would be a good thing.

Now can someone tell me when we can get more than 256mb ram? lol - anyone think a 'motherboard solder' could ever be possible :)