*228 from Verizon


Feb 1, 2010
Reaction score
My wife has the Droid Incredible, whe went to Verizon with a problem and they said to do *228 I think every month. This updates your phone and usually fixes minor problems. Does this really work? Also I have the Motorola Droid and it is rooted. Should I do the *228 or will this not work with a rooted phone?

It updates your radio connection with the tower. Can improve signal strength and data speed. I dunno about every month but i do it maybe once every six months.

And the fact that its rooted doesnt matter
i usually do it when traveling. it will increase your connection as stated from gonnadie4the gov. It really does help. also i am rooted and have been for long time.
i do this everytime i go to a new area (or once every month or so).
does it really work? i tried it at my house and it didnt seem to make a difference.

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does it really work? i tried it at my house and it didnt seem to make a difference.

Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk

It updates your preferred roaming list. It's necessary to do it about once a month because Verizon adds to the list all the time.

Does it make a difference in the way your phone performs? It can, yes but it won't for many. Just do it anyway as part of your Droids maintenance program.
Is it best to do both options or can you do only the first one?
does it really work? i tried it at my house and it didnt seem to make a difference.

Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk

Helped me. I could not get 3G here at the office until my coworker told me about it. Solid 3G now.