If you know all your logins, google, egc.. you only lose txt messages.
Sent from my DROID2 GLOBAL using Tapatalk
I uninstalled the Advanced Task Killer but my battery is still dying WAY too quick and I'm not on the phone constantly. ARGH!
ARGH! There's already quite an extended thread for this, and only a few posts down, if you'd only taken a few seconds to look.
Follow Jenaht's instructions to recalibrate your battery stats.
Then, consider not having 3G turned on when you're not using it, along with: wifi, bluetooth, gps, and anything else when not in use.
2.2 brings vastly improved batt. life for the informed. I'm getting 24 - 30 hours, where before 2.2 I was lucky to get 14.
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