1x ? 3G ? 4G ? why does my REZOUND not stay on 4G when in a 4G area ?


New Member
Dec 28, 2011
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Very new to Android phones. Why when I am in a 4G area and the small 4G icon appears at the top of my phone does it disappear and then it has a 3G icon ? I could understand that if I left the 4G area that it might change to a 3G or a 1x but why would it change if I dont move ? Also in settings/wireless&networks/mobile networks / network mode should I be in LTE/CDMA or CDMA only to stay on 4G ? Not concerned about power useage as I charge in the car and at work - very O C D and like to stay in 4G all the time as I paid for a 4G phone. So how do I always stay in 4G?

Next. Is there a better camera operating system app than the one that comes free wth the phone ? What is the absolute best NON FREE app that I can pay for to fully utilize the camera functions of my phone ?

Any and all assistance is greatly appreciated ! Scott.
Right now VZW is having a nationwide 4g problem.

Survivor of the Great 2011 Verizon Google Samsung Galaxy Nexus Prime Debacle and proud owner of a Galaxy Nexus and Original Droid 1/Milestone. Sent from my Sexy Lexus Galaxy Nexus.
There is a network outage right now.

Sent from the God of phones. Thunder....THUNDER! ... THUNDERBOLT!!
To answer your other questions. 4g is LTE, 3g is CDMA. If you want 4g to come on when available, you want LTE/CDMA.

As far as camera apps... I've always been OK with the stock camera. I have a DSLR I use for important pictures so I can't really help you there.

Survivor of the Great 2011 Verizon Google Samsung Galaxy Nexus Prime Debacle and proud owner of a Galaxy Nexus and Original Droid 1/Milestone. Sent from my Sexy Lexus Galaxy Nexus.
Also in settings/wireless&networks/mobile networks / network mode should I be in LTE/CDMA or CDMA only to stay on 4G?

You should be in LTE/CDMA if you want to access 4G, and 3G when 4G is not available. Be aware, if your power mode is set to "Normal" or "Economy", your phone will NOT run on 4G. It has to be on "High Performance" to run on 4G. They don't mention this anywhere in the manual. I discovered this through trilal and error. I kept noticing the setting was switching on its own. Then, through a little experimentation I discovered why.

What about the best REZOUND camera app to pay for ? And LTE/CDMA or ......just CDMA
Where do I adjust my power mode ?

Where do I adjust my power mode ?
My favorite camera app is Vignette. It really enhances the phones photo capability. My favorite free camera app is Say Cheese camera. It, IMO, is also better than the stock, mostly because it has something called Stealth mode and adds a few new other features

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Sent from a Rezound phone via Blue TapaTalk
I wish all 3 of my BMW forums were half as good as this forum !

I wish all 3 of my BMW forums were half as good as this forum !

Okay, so I had the same problem. I have a HTC rezound that always dropped down to 1x, with no 3g signal. Upon restarting my phone or turning off and turning back on the phone's radio, I would get a 4G signal for several minutes before it dwindled back down to 1x.

So here's what got me back up on 4G.

Solution #1: turn off phone, take out battery and sim card for a min. Check sim card for scratches. If it's scratched you may need a new one. If not, assemble the sim and battery back in and restart. See if this works.

Solution #2: call Verizon and explain your situation. They'll through a troubleshooting process checking to see if you have roaming enabled and etc. But what you want them to do is to renew your radio signal. Don't know the exact terminology but they'll ask you to take out your battery and sim while they update some sort of signal on their end. Then they'll ask you to restart and your 4G should be working.

This has been my experience and I hope it works for you.
Okay, so I had the same problem. I have a HTC rezound that always dropped down to 1x, with no 3g signal. Upon restarting my phone or turning off and turning back on the phone's radio, I would get a 4G signal for several minutes before it dwindled back down to 1x.

So here's what got me back up on 4G.

Solution #1: turn off phone, take out battery and sim card for a min. Check sim card for scratches. If it's scratched you may need a new one. If not, assemble the sim and battery back in and restart. See if this works.

Solution #2: call Verizon and explain your situation. They'll through a troubleshooting process checking to see if you have roaming enabled and etc. But what you want them to do is to renew your radio signal. Don't know the exact terminology but they'll ask you to take out your battery and sim while they update some sort of signal on their end. Then they'll ask you to restart and your 4G should be working.

This has been my experience and I hope it works for you.

Instead of all that have you tried lteonoff app and switch to "lte with voice"?

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A Rezound phone was used for this TapaTalk post
Instead of all that have you tried lteonoff app and switch to "lte with voice"?

Support Our Troops!!!
A Rezound phone was used for this TapaTalk post

Yes. Put simply, that was unsuccessful. The problem doesn't reside in just simply restarting the radio.
Wish I knew the technical terminology but the method that worked for me required a reset on Verizon's end.
Yes. Put simply, that was unsuccessful. The problem doesn't reside in just simply restarting the radio.
Wish I knew the technical terminology but the method that worked for me required a reset on Verizon's end.

The only thing they could be doing is resetting your LTE SIM. And if it's related to the SIM, it's better to get Verizon to replace it.