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10 year Blackberry owner moved to Droid X and loving every minute of it!!!


New Member
I was a huge BB bigot for over 10 years and had every possible device made by them. I've been following this forum for the last 6 mths and it convinced me that I was basically living under a rock. So thanks to all the great posts for helping me make the switch. I switched over a couple of weeks ago to the Droid X and haven't looked back once. I was really worried in the beginning that I would compare features and caveats that the BB had that the Droid wouldn't have. Hasn't happened!

I have customized my DX w/ LauncherPro & AppMate along w/ about 2 dozen other cool apps. I was hoping I could get a few answers to some things that I just haven't found.

  1. Is there a way to get rid of the slider lock when your display just times out after 1 minute. Something simple I guess but it just saves an extra swipe.
  2. I use Swipe all the time. Is there an easy way to switch to the stock keyboard or the one I bought, SwiftKey while on the keyboard.
  3. I find my accelerometer is off sometimes. I'll take it out of sleep and it's in landscape mode when the phone is clearly in portrait mode.
  4. My company requires you to put in password every 10 minutes of idle time (What a pain). I can only use a 4 digit number for my password right now. How do I use a swipe gesture or get rid of this all together.
  5. With LauncherPro now I can't use any of the Moto stock widgets. Any way to get them back. There were a couple that I really liked.
  6. The dialer doesn't allow you to dial by names T9 naively. I have to go to contacts, hit the search button and then type in a name. I'm all about reducing the number of times I have to hit buttons. I know on my wife's Incredible the dialer has that capability. I tried DialerOne but would rather just keep it clean and use the stock dialer the DX came with.
I can't tell you how productive I've become w/ this device. I can say this in parting that Apple better be worried.

Thanks to all of you and I look forward to being a valued member!
:welcome: to the Forum and thanks for the Intro - you are not the first long time Blackberry convert we have met - BB and Apple Beware :)

Sent from my Droid
I was a huge BB bigot for over 10 years and had every possible device made by them. I've been following this forum for the last 6 mths and it convinced me that I was basically living under a rock. So thanks to all the great posts for helping me make the switch. I switched over a couple of weeks ago to the Droid X and haven't looked back once. I was really worried in the beginning that I would compare features and caveats that the BB had that the Droid wouldn't have. Hasn't happened!

I have customized my DX w/ LauncherPro & AppMate along w/ about 2 dozen other cool apps. I was hoping I could get a few answers to some things that I just haven't found.

  1. Is there a way to get rid of the slider lock when your display just times out after 1 minute. Something simple I guess but it just saves an extra swipe.
    :reddroid: Try Screen Mode Widget in the Market
  2. I use Swipe all the time. Is there an easy way to switch to the stock keyboard or the one I bought, SwiftKey while on the keyboard.
    :reddroid: If you long press the input area and select Input Method you can change your Keyboard
  3. I find my accelerometer is off sometimes. I'll take it out of sleep and it's in landscape mode when the phone is clearly in portrait mode.
    :reddroid: This happens to me on occasion, I usually just give it a little shack to orient the accelerometer and it takes off.
  4. My company requires you to put in password every 10 minutes of idle time (What a pain). I can only use a 4 digit number for my password right now. How do I use a swipe gesture or get rid of this all together.
  5. With LauncherPro now I can't use any of the Moto stock widgets. Any way to get them back. There were a couple that I really liked.
  6. The dialer doesn't allow you to dial by names T9 naively. I have to go to contacts, hit the search button and then type in a name. I'm all about reducing the number of times I have to hit buttons. I know on my wife's Incredible the dialer has that capability. I tried DialerOne but would rather just keep it clean and use the stock dialer the DX came with.
    :reddroid: If you go to Settings/Search/Searchable Items and put a check next to contacts then you can use the google search bar to search contacts without having to go to contacts first. I've also downloaded Contact Search+ from the market so I can search by company or contact notes.
I can't tell you how productive I've become w/ this device. I can say this in parting that Apple better be worried.

Thanks to all of you and I look forward to being a valued member!

I agree with you, I use my phone for work, and I don't have post it notes all over my desk anymore. Very productive
Get an app called screebl. It wil keep your phone from timing out when you are using it. It's free in the Market, but I suggest you get the paid version because the dev deserves a couple of bucks.
1. Widget Locker will allow you to control everything about your lock screen. You can get rid of the slider all together and unlock it by pushing any hardware button.

2. Answered by djenks24.

3. Just tilt the phone a little. It's not an exact science.

4. You can copy the 4 digit number to the DX clipboard, and paste it when needed. The clipboard can hold up to 10 copies so you can always keep a copy of your password there.

5. I don't think so, but the paid version of launcher pro has some very nice widgets. Much better than blur!

6. Answered.
Yea u really don't know how much you are missing out until you start using the X

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk- Rooted 2.2 Froyo
If no one addressed your keyboard issue, the fastest way to change keyboards is to long press in any text box at any time and a list of input options with all active keyboards will appear...just chose one:)

and I like gesture search for looking anything up by just tracing in the first few letters...including contacts or whatever you may be looking for in phone.
Welcome to the droid side. I use my phone for work, too, and it's great. In fact I use it for everything. If it could help me shave I'd be set.