I was a huge BB bigot for over 10 years and had every possible device made by them. I've been following this forum for the last 6 mths and it convinced me that I was basically living under a rock. So thanks to all the great posts for helping me make the switch. I switched over a couple of weeks ago to the Droid X and haven't looked back once. I was really worried in the beginning that I would compare features and caveats that the BB had that the Droid wouldn't have. Hasn't happened!
I have customized my DX w/ LauncherPro & AppMate along w/ about 2 dozen other cool apps. I was hoping I could get a few answers to some things that I just haven't found.
Thanks to all of you and I look forward to being a valued member!
I have customized my DX w/ LauncherPro & AppMate along w/ about 2 dozen other cool apps. I was hoping I could get a few answers to some things that I just haven't found.
- Is there a way to get rid of the slider lock when your display just times out after 1 minute. Something simple I guess but it just saves an extra swipe.
- I use Swipe all the time. Is there an easy way to switch to the stock keyboard or the one I bought, SwiftKey while on the keyboard.
- I find my accelerometer is off sometimes. I'll take it out of sleep and it's in landscape mode when the phone is clearly in portrait mode.
- My company requires you to put in password every 10 minutes of idle time (What a pain). I can only use a 4 digit number for my password right now. How do I use a swipe gesture or get rid of this all together.
- With LauncherPro now I can't use any of the Moto stock widgets. Any way to get them back. There were a couple that I really liked.
- The dialer doesn't allow you to dial by names T9 naively. I have to go to contacts, hit the search button and then type in a name. I'm all about reducing the number of times I have to hit buttons. I know on my wife's Incredible the dialer has that capability. I tried DialerOne but would rather just keep it clean and use the stock dialer the DX came with.
Thanks to all of you and I look forward to being a valued member!