1 Billion Yahoo Accounts Were Comprimised By 2013 Hack.


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Oct 6, 2011
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We were informed by Yahoo back in September that a 2014 Hack by a "state sponsored actor" left more than 500 million accounts compromised. Today we found out about a second Yahoo hack this time double the accounts were accessed and this hack was carried out by a totally different group in 2013. This means that possibly more than 1 Billion accounts were affected. If your account was one that was hacked you should have received a notification from Yahoo. You will no longer be able to use unencryped security questions to access your locked out account. Obviously if you are a yahoo user your should immediately change your password if you have not already done so from the last hack.

via Yahoo
Yep, changed password and the my account was immediately locked out from everything except my PC. Good job Yahoo! Still can't access it from phone or tablet. They screwed something up.

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I'm back into my account from my phone as of this morning. Might be time to close that old Yahoo account once my car loan is paid off, that and Amazon are the main reasons I still use it.

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I have a yahoo acct for fantasy football. That's it.
Got an email from Yahoo notifying me about this a couple days ago. I guess I should get around to changing my password
I got the email and did everything they suggested. Thought about it and said to myself, why do I need this account? Looked around and found links to change everything but nowhere to simply delete the account. So I still have a yahoo account that I use for nothing but spam.
I got the email and did everything they suggested. Thought about it and said to myself, why do I need this account? Looked around and found links to change everything but nowhere to simply delete the account. So I still have a yahoo account that I use for nothing but spam.
I think these are the steps I used to close my wife's account about 6 months ago.

Close your Yahoo account | Yahoo Help - SLN2044

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Yahoo? I had them yeas ago, but closed it many moons ago.
But I am so glad that all you US taxpayers out there are helping to pay for my identify protection.:):D
Yahoo? I had them yeas ago, but closed it many moons ago.
But I am so glad that all you US taxpayers out there are helping to pay for my identify protection.:):D
How so?