This question is getting asked alot now.... without any anwers


New Member
can you sbf a droidx from gingerbread .602 or .596 to froyo .340.

1. yes
2. no
3. maybe
4. don't know

if 1 goto yes
if 2 goto another www
if 3 or 4 thanks

then how?
send beer to pointer

echo thanks for acknowledging my existance.



Premium Member
Premium Member
Rescue Squad
Yes, absolutely.
Same method you would have used previously, judging by your post I'd say Linux ;)


Yes, I did it and I'm a total noob. I accidentally bricked my phone then SBF'd it to 340. I took the OTA which up'd me to GB 596. Then I SBF'd again back to 340 so I could load CM7. It's scary, but easy with the linux CD Brad92 has in his sig.


New Member
here's a twist in my scenario that is different from Rumblur.... I did the 2 file update from .340 that brought me to .602. when I used the linux cd it failed because it detected something different. My phone at the time was .596 cause I installed liberty v.9 but since I took the .602 update my radio was updated to 13p. (12p is .596 and my phone at .340 was at 7p) The linux cd failed. but thank you for the input and I hope this helps the noobs and maybe the devs. look forward to the linux cd rev1.1. also think since I had the d2 bootstrap it may have been differenct. was thinking of loading the dx bootstrap but the 12p to 13p made me want to wait and see what transpires if that has anything to do with it. peace.


Premium Member
Premium Member
Rescue Squad
I don't plan on updating the Linux cd, it is already version 9 and it doesn't really have any issues. What errors did you see when you used it?
After I download 1kdstaz0.9_2.3.340.iso. file is this all I need to get my phone back to fro yo im on gb now. I've read up on it but can't figure it out seems easy but im nervous just don't wanna mess up phone ne threads for step by step for while ur n bootloader r what do I do after the cd thanks

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New Member
Don't quote me on this but something like unknown chip or hardware. Along with some dump values. I was at .596 13 p. And did a complete wipe. Should I flash the radio hardware update that is about 10 megabytes back to 12 p?

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Rescue Squad
It will revert you back to stock 2.3.340 regardless of what your system version is. The unexpected chip is totally normal. There isn't really a step by step I've written but there are instructions once you are in the script, basically after you press 1 to flash then you will see the "unexpected chip" then "sending erase" then "uploading CGxx" like 1 through 67 or so then "checking CGxx" then the script prompts you (with instructions) to factory reset. Done deal, set the dx back up, root etc.


New Member
Thanks. Hope this thread helps out the next person. Im a slitaz fan myself. Nice job with the cd!

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Premium Member
Premium Member
Rescue Squad
You're a SliTaz fan too? What an awesome little distro!