Screen going dark during phone call


Sometimes during a phone call, I am prompted to enter digits, so I move the phone away from the screen, and the screen is dark, i have to press the button on top to wake it up! What kind of design is this?


Silver Member
There's a sensor in the top left corner of the phone. Are you sure your hand is not too close to that sensor when you move it away from your face?


Sometimes during a phone call, I am prompted to enter digits, so I move the phone away from the screen, and the screen is dark, i have to press the button on top to wake it up! What kind of design is this?

It is an intelligent design :icon_ banana: There is a proximity sensor in the phone that shuts the screen off when it is near your face so your cheek is not 'pushing buttons' while you talk.


There is a proximity sensor that causes the screen to go black when placed by your head during a call. Now, if you have the phone up to your head past the set screen timeout length it will stay black until you wake it. You can do two things, one, use speaker phone during those call or change your setting for the screen timeout to a longer setting.


Dude.. try to find every flaw in the phone, why dont ya? Too bad they aren't actually flaws... LOL. The droid is just too flawless! :)


New Member
I know what he means, sometimes after a sort of long call the screen just wont wake up, and Im not blocking the sensor. Even if i run my finger through it and pull it away it will stay dead. I have to push the top button twice to get the locked phone screen, unlock it and THEN I'll get the call in progress screen.


Go into your settings and set your screen timeout time to ten minutes. That will solve the issue for calls under ten minutes. I always put mine to sleep after I get done using it so I don't really need a timeout time at all.