(release) themed handcent

so i guess everyone is satisfied

I certainly am. My only problem is I keep themeing my phone so I keep switching colors...lol.

I did get an update notice for Handcent and was not able to do the update from the version you provided. Is there a work around for it? I don't know how to update it any other way...so if not I may just stick with the one you provided.

the ones in the OP and #2 post are updated with newest version. i also noticed there was an update to handcent in the market,so i updated all the colors. just redownload the colors you want.
Damn dude...you are on the ball. Thank you!
no problem, ill try to keep them updated and am trying to get the green one,greener,lol is greener a word,but anyway yeah,i have to take my time on that. the way handcent have the default colors. it makes it tricky to do some colors and keep the 2d look,like how the top bar is darker on bottom then top and has the middle look.
ok,so im convinced that handcent has noticed i been themeing there apk, they seem to be pushing out updates lately, ill update everything soon,made some good progress on the green one. kinda taking a small break due to the rom i was on being updated,so i had to work on a theme for it. ill let you all know when its updated, looks like the thread is dead though.
just noticed this thread... excited to try the black-themed one
EveryTime I try to install it it says Application not installed any help??? I tryed this with Astro and RootExplorer
EveryTime I try to install it it says Application not installed any help??? I tryed this with Astro and RootExplorer

did you follow the directions in the OP, uninstall everything from the market that is from handcent then install the themed one after you remove the .zip from file
ok so i did everything on this list but when i open the app manager it says it couldnt open it as an apk file. ok what am i doing wrong? thanks.
im not sure,its odd when someone says they have an issue seeing that so many install just fine but 2 users cant. im guessing you didnt rename it right. before you save it to your desktop/pc remve the .zip leaving it filename.apk or you have something from the market installed that is handcent related
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Thread not dead anxiously awaiting the next update and any other colors you happen to come up with.
Yeah, I can't seem to remove the .zip after downloading it with Firefox which totally ruins the process.
after you download it to your pc,go into your folder option and check allow file extension. now you can do it from your pc,right click on the file and rename
announcement, the OP and post #2 are updated to the newest release/update. new method of installing,no longer needed to rename/remove the .zip cause these have all been zipped up. the apk is inside,just unzipp or open the file and drag and drop to desire location hope this helps to eliminate user errors when installing. sorry for bold letters, just want it to be seen
lol,so handcent pushes out another update today/tonight looks like the update is mainly for force closeing on the devoure phone.