Problem with Rom toolbox by JRummy16


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Dec 2, 2011
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I don't know if any of you have any experience with the app "Rom toolbox" created by JRummy16, but hopefully someone help me out..
Using the Rom toolbox, I went to the icon changer and changed all of the default status bar icons and then rebooted after installing my choices for each one. (rebooted once after installing ALL custom icons)
When my phone restarted, everything on my phone became significantly tiny... And when I say everything I mean everything(with the exception of widgets): The time/date/alarm reminder on the lock screen, the status bar, all icons, all text/font, the onscreen keyboard, even my letters in Words/Hanging with friends o_o

So, freaked out I reopened Rom toolbox, and went to preferences->icon changer settings-> restore icons.
I first clicked status bar->restore icons, yet nothing changed (except for most of the icons in the status bar of course)
So then I clicked android system->restore icons and then rebooted. Still, everything is tiny!

I really don't like everything small like's weird and awkward and I'm not used to it haha its just so strange!

Anyway, I can't figure out how to restore the normal size of everything...If someone could help in any possible way that would be greatly appreciated :)

Also, I already emailed the creator of the app, JRummy16, and am waiting for his response..I'm just impatient and trying to figure it out on my own in the meantime..I'm sure he's a busy fella.

Thank you in advance!
Droid 2 User


New Member
Dec 2, 2011
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Did you change the resolution? Its been a while since I've been into that app. There may be a setting for screen density/resolution... :)

This wants to be sent from my Samsung Galaxy Nexus

Oh damn haha I feel so dumb xD! I could have sworn it said luminosity instead of density...oops! All fixed now :) Thank you so much for your help!