More Sort Options in Marketplace.


New Member
Nov 16, 2009
Reaction score
I made the mistake of installing the first notepad application I saw (G-Notepad) and it turned out to be crap.

Is there a way to sort by ratings in Marketplace?
Unfortunately at this moment no. I am hoping they add this feature though, because it would come in nice.
Yes, a variety of sort options would be great (i.e., by rating, newest first, oldest first, best match, alphabetical, etc.).
Yeah I am waiting for the same thing, especially sort by rating. I think it would help motivate programmers to make a better program, because if your ratings are low you will just sink to the bottom and never get purchased.

I'd appreciate the ability to sort apps by: name, user rating, and date posted/developed.

Happy DROIDing​
AndroiLib is a website dedicated to android apps. It could be better, and there are limited search functions available. It beats searching on the phone if time is of the essence.

Keep in mind there is no functionality to download the app from the webpage. You'll have to search for it on your phone then download it.

There are other site available.