light tap on screen = scroll down?


Nov 14, 2009
Reaction score
ive noticed periodically that when i tap on the screen (such as selecting a thread on this forum while in the browser), it will scroll way down instead of just selecting the thread.

Or if im in the settings (which scrolls up and down) and i go to tap one of the listings, bam, scrolls to the bottom :(

anyone had this happen? it happens frequently while in the browser
I've had this happen while browsing on the web. I'm still trying to narrow this down to determine if it's an actual feature/function which may be poorly documented or an actual bug.
same thing happens to me. been trying to consistently replicate it for the past few days to no avail.
Happens here too, but I'm unable to reproduce it at will.
happens here at pretty often, especially when im trying to click a small link. Hope this issue is fixed with the update.
This is definitely a bug. I've factory reset the Droid and had no apps installed and it's done it. If you watch the Video on Phandroid where he is testing battery life even his phone does it.
this problem seems to happen to me while i attempt to press links an inch below the ear piece. I have had three droids and all three have had this problem. It's not a big deal but i do hope this issue gets resolved as i enjoy browsing on this device and would definitely give it a 10/10 if it gets resolved.