Its 545am. Are you online at your local VZW store like I am?


Silver Member
Oct 29, 2009
Reaction score
SE Florida
Current Phone Model
Droid Turbo 64G
So here it is. 545am on Friday. The 6th of Nov. And I am proud to say I was not the first geek at the local VZW store. Some nice chick named Evon was first!

So I sit here in my folding chair I use at car shows. Sucking down my dunkin doughnuts coffee. Waiting for the employees to come to work so the can sell me my Droid.

This is all being typed on my 1st edition Black Berry Storm. Which I picked up here just about a year ago today. Soon my storm will be dreaming the dreams of unconnected cell phones accross this land.

Let the geeks unite. Join the Droid Army! Tell us all about your day gettong your Droid.

As for me. There is a slight breeze blowing out of the northeast. The moon is still out. The temp is about 70 degrees. Or will be shortly. Location: Coral Springs Fla.

I am here. Where the heck are you?
at work here in san francisco, ca... i don't think there will be anyone on the stores by at least 4 or 5 am.. its a bit cold out right now...
Hell its 39 degrees here. I have an appointment for 8 so I'm not even planning on getting there till 5 to.
Yeah well. I tossed and turned all friggin night over a friggin phone. I couldn't sit at home waiting. Now its 630am. Still just me and Evon here. But all the VZW Employees are here now. So its starting to look up. The sun is now rising over the tree line. I know I a. Gettng a Droid and what ever acces they have too.

Updates to come.
Soon. I will no longer be part of the bb world. I will be another droid storm trouper. Having earn my stripes in tje trenches with my storm1.
Just checked. Its actually 65 degrees. Its tourture. :p. I am really surprised. Only 3 of us here now.
Just checked. Its actually 65 degrees. Its tourture. :p. I am really surprised. Only 3 of us here now.

bah. I lived in Florida for a few years. I'll pass. I enjoy my summers warm, not swimming in humidity. Besides, hunting is much, much more fun when you aren't sweating your ass off in the fall/winter.
It's 6:30 CST. I've been sitting at the main corporate store in town for about thirty minutes. No one else here. At least the weather's nice. It was freezing for the launch of the Storm and there was a pretty long line for that. I feel like Clark Griswold pulling into wally world..."First ones here. First ones here."
It's 58 here in Daytona. I just orderd online and got conformation for Fed. Ex. I really don't like MIR so I will wait a day or two. Since i didn't see the option for Saturday delivery. So Monday i'm in the Droid army. WOOHOO!
Just got home from Vzw. Typing this on the droid. This thing is great. Pictures to follow after I take my kid to school first.

Now a full blown member of the Droid Contium !
199.00 out the door, once I mail the rebate, 99.00 total for the DROID.

Bought the Home Dock and Car Dock. They only had a few Home Docks there. All were sold before I left. Sounds like they had more car docks though.

My Sales Rep Thomas (Coral Springs, FL) took Great care of all my needs this morning. He also made a quick introduction sheet for the DROID world on how to use it. I will post that a little later on.

Car charger for the Storms DO WORK on the DROIDs !!

Silicon case is nice, but as with the Storm, you need to remove it to put it in the home dock. Haven't tried it in the car dock yet.

I was in the door at 7am, out at 750am. It took longer for me, I had them do some file transfers on my GFs phone too.
thanks for the updates. how's that keyboard? (i'll find out monday i guess for myself). would love it if you'd share the 'how to' sheet. you think that one of those silicone skins (like zagg) would prohibit use of the home dock or car mount? that's what i'm thinking of getting. i'm not a case kind of girl...never ever had one for my treo.
thanks for the updates. how's that keyboard? (i'll find out monday i guess for myself). would love it if you'd share the 'how to' sheet. you think that one of those silicone skins (like zagg) would prohibit use of the home dock or car mount? that's what i'm thinking of getting. i'm not a case kind of girl...never ever had one for my treo.

The keyboard will take a little getting use to, but it's not as bad as I first thought. I am sure it is just a time thing to get use to how it works. Function keys and such.

The girl that was on line with me this morning got this really cute PINK snap on cover for her DROID. It looked really nice, for a girls phone that is :p

I will type up the how to sheet he made and post it in this thread.