Help Keep Xmarks Alive


Super Moderator
Premium Member
Nov 18, 2009
Reaction score
For those that don't know, Xmarks has said they are shutting down shop. You can read more info here: Xmarks Blog

Long story short, if you want to help keep Xmarks running, and you're willing to pay them $10-$20 per year, you can go here (no payment info required, it's a "good faith" commitment): 'I will commit to $10 - $20 per year for Xmarks Sync' - PledgeBank

I know Firefox and Chrome (and now IE to a certain extent) all now have built in sync features, but I know very few people that use JUST one or the other 100% of the time. Xmarks provided, for me anyway, a platform-independent place to store bookmarks, etc., that I could easily get to anywhere, on any browser, and on any phone (using the mobile page). Now that portability and convenience will be locked into one browser, unless I (we) want to go to the hassle of keeping them all synced up manually... what a headache. Not to mention their profile and search features...

So, if you love Xmarks and want them to survive, check out that pledgebank page! If not, ignore me! :)