Handcent Widget


New Member
I have the Handcent app and love, it is by far the best messaging app out there but I have been reading about people using the widget for it but I cannot find it in the market and when I try to add it to one of my screens through the widgets it simply adds an icon. Any ideas on how to get it to work or is there no widget for it yet? Thanks


New Member
That icon is the widget. It will display a number on the lower right corner of the icon with the number of new messages you have.


New Member
The thing i like the most about it is the pop-up feature and it has some other smaller features that allows you to customize the texting more than the regular one.


New Member
what is so great about handcent compared to the normal messenger on the droid?
Tons of options. You can assign individual ringtones for any contact. Also color of LED and even control the vibration. Nice Pop up when text arrives and even shows on lock screen. You can voice to text your message and have the text spoken back to you. There are many more options to explore!

I was having problems receiving MMS picture messages with it maybe someone can chime in and discuss that further. Definitely worth checking out.


The handcent widget is made to act more like the iPhone text icon. It will display how many texts you have missed in a little circle.

I liked Handcent, but it was having so many issued with MMS that I finally gave up on it. I am now using the stock Messaging app with the SMS popup app. It gives you the popup, let's you use voice to text, and allows you to customize all the notifications, per user if you'd like.



The handcent widget is made to act more like the iPhone text icon. It will display how many texts you have missed in a little circle.

I liked Handcent, but it was having so many issued with MMS that I finally gave up on it. I am now using the stock Messaging app with the SMS popup app. It gives you the popup, let's you use voice to text, and allows you to customize all the notifications, per user if you'd like.


Have you tried Chompsms? So many people swear by it but I found it the same pretty much.


Active Member
For those having trouble receiving mms messages, try uninstalling handcent an then install it again. I was having problems but reinstalled it and now its seems to work. I'm not sure why but.. yea.


i have had some problems with receiving pictures but when i ask the person to send it again..it works. but what i found out was.. when someone sends you the picture and it doesn't show up. just simply go into the original program instead and the picture will show up.
I found that it did not show the mms when I clicked the button on the pop-up "Show MMS". If I exit out of the pop-up and go into Handcent via the icon, the MMS shows up.
My favorite feature of Handcent is the fact that it can split 160 character messages. I sometimes write long texts, and hate it when they get cut off and I don't know where it ended. With Handcent, you don't have to worry as it will split your text messages if it's more than 160 characters.


I was not able to just find a contact with thestock message app. If I didn't know the # then id have to look it up and type it in and I'm sure there's a better way but when id type letters thinking it'd pull it up it would have facebook friends that I didn't even have #s in my phone and it'd automatically have them in there and not pull up from my contacts. Anyway, I'm trying handcent.


The handcent widget is made to act more like the iPhone text icon. It will display how many texts you have missed in a little circle.

I liked Handcent, but it was having so many issued with MMS that I finally gave up on it. I am now using the stock Messaging app with the SMS popup app. It gives you the popup, let's you use voice to text, and allows you to customize all the notifications, per user if you'd like.


Have you tried Chompsms? So many people swear by it but I found it the same pretty much.

Chompsms is nice, but does not have the same features. It does have the popup quick reply though. I am back to using Handcent


New Member
handsent widget

im trying to put the widget on my homescreen, and when i select handsent medium, it brings me to a screen where i can select maximum number show mode and auto lock... and then theres no submit button or anything, and if i exit out of the screen... nothing, no widget were i want it... whats up with this? what am i doing wrong?