Handcent App Problem - Please Help!


I have installed Handcent in order to make the default font in text messages larger. It also allows for lots more control of what the messages look like on my Droid. SMS messages to and from cell phone numbers work as they should BUT...

When I reply to a text message sent from someone's email to me (they use the [email protected] address) or when I send a new text message TO an email address from Handsent it sends it as an MMS (multimedia message) even though all it contains is text so it should be a SMS (simple text message of 160 characters or less).

There are 2 problems with this. Verizon charges more for MMS and Verizon attaches their signature at the bottom of MMS. The signature tells the recipient of the text message that it is a picture message from Verizon. This is confusing to the recipient since it is simply a SMS!

I've emailed Handcent about it but all they say is it is Verizon's fault. Talk to Verizon. Of course we all know that is a waste of time.

I wonder if there is a way around this problem I haven't thought of?


Super Moderator
Not sure what to tell you... except if you have a text package, and the unlimited data, I wouldn't worry about being charged for MMS, it's included :)


I get 250 messages a month but occasionally go over. It's no biggie at SMS prices but MMS are 50 cents EACH.

More importantly it confuses the person receiving the messages. Several have emailed me back asking where the picture is and why the long message from Verizon at the end of the post.

DO you use Handcent? Does the same thing happen to you?


Super Moderator
I didn't realize they were 50 cents each! Never really gone over.
I can see how that's annoying. So it's only when sending a text to an E-mail address?
Might not be the best fix but what about just sending it from your e-mail account on the Droid to bypass it? Again, this is not ideal I know.


Super Moderator
Rescue Squad
For one thing on droid mms is data and is covered under the unlimited data plan you got with the phone. I think it is sending as a mms becajuse its going to and from an email, which is sent as data. Could be wrong but that's my theory and I'm sticking to it.

get quad

Whenever a post includes "Could be wrong" you should often steer clear. MMS is not covered under data plans w Verizon.


Super Moderator
Rescue Squad
Just to make sure I checked 3 other forums and all said on smartphones mms is covered under data with verizon. So unless a lot of other people are wrong who knows?


New Member
I am having a similar related problem. The phone number of one of the people that texts me regularly has gotten tied somehow to an email address, so when I get a text from her it only comes up as [email protected]. If I reply, it goes as an MMS because the reply is to an email address. To send her an SMS I can't reply to her, I have to go to my contacts and initiate a new text message. That'll go as an SMS, no problem. But if she replies to it, my Droid shows, not her name as the person texting me, but the email address again. I've tried deleting her from both Google Contacts and the Droid, but no luck. There appears to be a table somewhere in the Droid that has her phone number connected to this email address and I can't get rid of it.


New Member
I have the same problem whether using Handcent SMS or the native messaging app. I've tried all sorts of things in her email box. Most interesting, however, is I deleted her entirely from my Droid and from my Google Contacts then had her send me a text, and it came up with her [email protected]! I have no idea where it is drawing that from.


Super Moderator
Rescue Squad
Is she on a different network? And have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling handcent?


New Member
She's using an iPhone. AT&T. Have not tried reinstalling Handcent because the problem is there even with the native messaging, so it appears to be independent of the application. It's just that there appears to be some kind of lookup table in the Droid and her phone number got tied to this email address instead of to her name/contact information. Even after I delete her from my phone (and from Google Contacts), if she texts me it sees it as coming from this email address. I just can not find that lookup table anywhere.


Super Moderator
She's using an iPhone. AT&T. Have not tried reinstalling Handcent because the problem is there even with the native messaging, so it appears to be independent of the application. It's just that there appears to be some kind of lookup table in the Droid and her phone number got tied to this email address instead of to her name/contact information. Even after I delete her from my phone (and from Google Contacts), if she texts me it sees it as coming from this email address. I just can not find that lookup table anywhere.

Just a question.
Does she have the most recent version of the iPhone OS? Wasn't the way the iPhone sent MMS thru e-mail up until recently?
Does anyone know if the way Apple fixed the MMS was to tie it to an e-mail account? Do you sync, with an iPhone, to an E-mail account for a contact back up like Droid? Is a sync to e-mail set up as the way to enable MMS? Anyone have the answer?
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