Google Offering $50 Off Nexus 6P and Nexus 5X Until May 6th


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Now might be an opportune time to snap up a Google Nexus 6P 32GB or Nexus 5X 16GB. Google is offering a $50 discount on both devices in the Play Store. That makes the Nexus 6P just $450 and the Nexus 5X only $300. Considering the premium quality of both of these devices (especially the Nexus 6P), this is a deal that's hard to pass up if you are in the market for a Nexus phone.

Here are the links:


Diamond Member
Aug 8, 2010
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Nexus 6P/5X
Pretty sure NEVER is a good time to snatch up a 16GB Nexus. ;)
Depends. I bought the 5X with 32GB and I'm only using 8GB of it. So I could have been good with the 16GB.


Diamond Member
Jan 25, 2010
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Cleveland, Ohio
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Moto Turbo 2
Take more pics. Download a few songs. A movie. Talk to me in 12 months.
Disgusts me that Google still offers a 16gb option.
/Edit And let's not forget, Android uses almost 4gb on that phone. Now yours down to 4GB free on a 16. You can't believe that's enough.

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk


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Sep 5, 2010
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After about a year with her iPhone 16gb model my wife came to me about her low memory warning she was getting. I showed her how to delete junk and cache cleaning. My daughter, who also at times uses my wife's iPhone for apps, recently came to me with her G2 I let her have for Wi-Fi only stuff with the same low memory warning. I deleted the same apps as on the wife's iPhone, cleaned the caches, moved the gazillion selfie videos and photos she'd made onto a flash drive and it's now fully useful again.
I agree they can be filled quickly but there are so many ways to keep them with plenty of extra memory by just a few simple steps that for those on a very tight budget and don't mind doing just a little work there is still a market. Now that same daughter won a Kindle Fire kids edition with 8gb and 4+ gb if its 8 gigs is used by the os. That is ridiculous. She can put like 4 apps,a few photos (with a very low resolution camera btw) and an e book and it starts the low memory warning stuff.

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Diamond Member
Jan 25, 2010
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Cleveland, Ohio
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Moto Turbo 2
And how anyone can defend this practice is mind blowing to me. o_O

After about a year with her iPhone 16gb model my wife came to me about her low memory warning she was getting.

Yep. My wife too. And every single one of my employees that got 16gb phones. Do we need this aggravation? And it's just so easy to clean out those damn iPhones, amirite? /Sarcasm

16 gb was standard on the Motorola Droid from 2009! 2009!!! 7 years later, you know that extra 16gb of RAM only costs about $10 to the manufacturer. And they charge you $100. It's pure and total BS. Everything has advanced in these phones since that first Droid. Single to Quad core processors, and beyond. The type of Ram used. The displays from not even 720P to Quad HD and beyond. That first Droid was only 3G, as well with its 1400mAh battery.
I want Google to make Apple look silly... not do that exact same thing they do.... (or even less as Apple's next step up is 64gb).