Fisrt time Droid owner

Dork of the Hills

New Member
Jun 23, 2010
Reaction score
This is my first smart phone ever so I will be on here a lot learning how to use it.
I am currently serving in Afghanistan with the Army Reserve and I am having the phone shipped to me over here. I have 3 months left on my tour and then I return home to my "real" job as a National Park Ranger.
I am a free lance graphic artist and I look forward to creating some themes and wall papers for my Droid. I am excited to finally get a cool phone. My other phone is a Casio G'zOne Boulder and I love that I can beat the piss out of it, but beyond it's toughness it's just a phone.
I look forward to meeting you all...
Hi Dork! (can I call you by your first name?) lol

Welcome! Thanks for the pic. Hope you enjoy your phone and keep the pic coming! Park Ranger - where? Any plans yet?
How did you get a job as a national park ranger? that's one hell of a job, sit outside all day and get paid for it.
I worked at Dinosaur National Monument in NW Colorado until I was deployed in OCT... I am looking at Badlands, The Everglades and the Grand Canyon as possible places to work when I get back.
I went to school for Parks and Recreation and went to a Park Ranger Law enforcement academy to become a Park Ranger. We don't sit around, it is a hard but fun and rewarding job. We are actually the most assaulted law enforcement officers in the country. Most people don't cooperate too well when they are on vacation and they like to fight authority figures. I have been in more fights over peoples dogs than anything else!!!
How did you get a job as a national park ranger? that's one hell of a job, sit outside all day and get paid for it.

Now now now, Have you ever walked a week in a Park Rangers shoes? Not a easy job. People on vacation can be really stupid. I spend about 8 hours a day driving in Grand Teton National Park. I have the Rangers Station phone number in my contacts. People see a bear or buffalo and just think they can walk up to it. It's a mauling waiting to happen.

Good luck to you Dork!!!!!:icon_ banana::icon_ banana: