FDR w/Multiple Gmail Accounts


New Member
Apr 29, 2010
Reaction score
Austin, TX
Ok, so I've finally decided to do an FDR. The way I see it, if my phone had some lag and I were to call Verizon and tell them and they offered me a new phone, wouldn't I take it? I'd have to do all the setup again in that case, so, if doing an FDR solves my lag, I'm essentially getting a new phone, because ICS made it new! But I digress... :biggrin:

Here is where my questions come in. For starters, my phone is completely bone stock. I've never manually modified a thing, never rooted and my ICS is OTA - I went from .905 to .246 and I've had no major issues (other than lag with apps now, hence the pending FDR). But... I do have two gmail accounts set up on my phone and I would like to make some changes to the way my phone is set up in regards to this, so I'm curious to know what I might lose by dumping one of them (of course, the original one).

The last few smartphones I've had have all been initially configured with the same gmail address, including this Bionic. However, a few months into using this one, I changed my main gmail address to my own domain thru Google Apps. I added that new email address to My Accounts (I have one corporate email and 2 gmail accounts in My Accounts), and now I am only syncing email, contacts, etc. from the NEW email address. Syncing for the OLD email address is on, but ONLY for Google Pics (I have never been able to migrate my Pics from the old email address to the new).

However, I am signed into the Google Play store with my OLD email address, since that's the original email address that I used to set up the phone. But, I'm not concerned with losing any paid apps associated with that account, because I am able to buy apps from the computer and send them to my phone while logged into my new email address, so I'm presuming I should be able to sign into the Play Store online with my old email address and send any paid apps to my phone from there. If not, it's really not a huge deal - I will live with having to re-purchase any apps I want to keep.

So, I guess my question is, what am I not thinking of? If I set it up in reverse, with my new email address as the primary email address of the phone and the old address as secondary, what will change that I'm not thinking about? Are there other settings that are syncing to the cloud via my old gmail address that I should make a note of, because I'll lose them if I initially set up the phone with a different email address?

Oh, and I have 2-step verification set up for both gmail accounts - should I turn that off before doing the FDR and turn it back on after everything is set up? I don't think that should be necessary, as I should be able to create a new application-specific password for set up, just like I did initially, but never having done an FDR before, I want to make sure I cover all my bases (yes, I over-analyze EVERYTHING and I know it's a sickness! :p).

Thanks guys for all your help - this is the number one place I look when I have any questions at all regarding my phone! :hail: